My old laptop quit recognizing my password so for my birthday in last October I bought a new laptop. So the old laptop is not really old, but it is at the computer repair store here in Lakeland . When it is fixed and I get all my data off of it, I am going to give it to the young girl down the street from us. All the peripherals
will go with the laptop. The laptop bag, the DVD drive I used with. All she will need to buy is a mouse if she doesn’t like the touch pad. She is in elementary school and the operating system on the laptop is Windows 10.
New laptop, Old laptop
That’s a wonderful thing to do! Win win!
I did not want to toss it out in the trash so I am getting that fixed before I let her have it. Her Mom knows about it but her daughter doesn’t know about it yet… If my grandson Hunter did not have a computer I would have let him have it but he already has a computer as well as an iPad.
That’s such a thoughtful gesture! The young girl down the street is going to be thrilled with the laptop and all the accessories. It’s wonderful to see technology being passed on to the next generation, especially when it can make such a big difference in their education and growth.
Windows 10 is a great operating system for students, as it offers a range of educational apps and tools that can support her learning journey.
Best regards,
That’s very thoughtful and kind of you, Daylily. A very belated Happy Birthday to you!
Thank you Salmonmac.
Her mother brought her down to our house today and I had her turn the laptop on. When the screen came up with "Owner over the Dell she asked who is the owner I looked at her and said You are now the owner of it. I included the storage bag, the portable DVD drive, the charging cords and an plug in USB that gave her 3 extra USB ports. She started 7th grade this year.
That’s a great start for essays and math for 7th grade. Wishing her success armed with her new computer.