Need help reading a pattern

Hi there! I’m still somewhat new to knitting and was wondering if someone might explain to me the 4 rows required to knit a table runner i’m working on (esp rows 2 & 4)…it just doesn’t seem to be coming out right…Thanks so much!

Row 1 (RS): K2, *k2 [yo] twice, k2; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2-76 st
Row 2: K2, *p2tog, p1 (yo from previous row), k1 (yo from previous row), p2tog; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2-52 sts remain
Row 3: K2, yo, *k4, [yo] twice; repeat from * to last 6 sts, k4, yo, k2-76 sts
Row 4: K2, p1, *[p2tog] twice, p1 (yo from previous row), k1 (yo from previous row); repeat from * to last 7 sts, [p2tog] twice, p1, k2-52 sts remain

Row 1 (RS): K2, *k2 [yo] twice, k2; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2-76 st
Row 2: K2, *p2tog, p1 (yo from previous row), k1 (yo from previous row), p2tog; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2-52 sts remain
Row 3: K2, yo, *k4, [yo] twice; repeat from * to last 6 sts, k4, yo, k2-76 sts
Row 4: K2, p1, *[p2tog] twice, p1 (yo from previous row), k1 (yo from previous row); repeat from * to last 7 sts, [p2tog] twice, p1, k2-52 sts remain

In Row 1, you will k2, k2, yo, yo, k2 . . . right?

Row 2 is telling you to k2, p2tog, p1 in the first yo from the previous row and to k1 in the second yo from the previous row, p2tog.

Really all you have to do for row 2 is k2, *p2tog, p1, k1, p2tog; repeat from * etc.

So far, so good…How about Rows 3 & 4?

Row 2 confused me with the yo from previous row line…

Row 3: K2, yo, *k4, [yo] twice; repeat from * to last 6 sts, k4, yo, k2-76 sts
Row 4: K2, p1, *[p2tog] twice, p1 (yo from previous row), k1 (yo from previous row); repeat from * to last 7 sts, [p2tog] twice, p1, k2-52 sts remain

Row 3: k2, yo, k4, yo, yo repeat between * until there are 6 st leave, then k4, yo, k2 There should be 76 stitches left.

Row 4: k2, p1, p2tog, p2tog, p1, k1 until there are 7 left, p2tog, p2tog, p1, k2 You should have 52 stitches left.

This seems to be a pattern of too much information. Telling you that the k1 and p1 are the yo’s from the previous row can be confusing.