I’m pretty new to knitting socks. I’ve knit top down on dpn’s and two socks toe up on long circular, using Magic Loupe method. With both methods, the toe and heel of the sock is square - really, with 'corners" - and looks terrible. The toe-up method is for a short row heel. I’m not sure what to call the approach used in the top down method, but it has me knit a heel flap of stst alternating with sl1, k, sl1, k etc. Then turn the heel through a series of decreases. I like the Magic Loupe method best, but I don’t want my socks to look like clogs!
Thanks in advance for your help.
My socks have "corners"
I like short wrap rows for heels because it gives you a rounded looking heel. This is the best instruction video on this that I’ve ever come across. It was the only one that made sense to me. You complete the heel turn and begin to knit around again with the stitches you’ve let rest. When you join those two sections, pick up one or two stitches between them in the gap so you won’t have holes there. You’ll decrease those stitches on the next round to bring the number back to your original count that you’re supposed to have.
I generally make toe up socks. You probably have a favorite pattern already. This will tell you what yarn, needle size, and the number of cast on stitches you need. I’m talking about the total number you’ll need when you knit the socks straight for the foot part. Round that total number to the nearest multiple of four. For instance, if the total number of stitches you need is 46, round it off to 48, a multiple of four, or 44. You’ll need a multiple of four when you do this certain toe up cast on that I’ll tell you about.
I don’t like Judy’s magic cast on. It looks rough. I don’t like the short row wrap cast on. It leaves holes in the sides of the socks and the toes look like a wedge. This is my own cast on that I figured out. Call it Cindy’s Toe Up Sock Cast On (after me), if you want a name for it. It gives you a beautiful, rounded toe with nice side seams.
Use a circular and magic loop. Cast on four stitches. Divide the stitches with two on each needle. Join into a round and knit in front and back of the two stitches on each needle. Pull the tail of the cast on tight to close up the hole. On each of the next rounds, on the first needle you will knit the first stitch, kfb on the second stitch, knit across to the stitch right before the last one, kfb, k1. Repeat this for the second needle. You will increase four stitches each round. You will keep doing this on each round until you’ve reached the total number of stitches you need (remember these are all in a multiple of four). After you’ve reached this number, knit straight for the foot until you come to the heel turn. You’ll do that like they show you on the video. After you’ve completed the cuff of the sock, cast off using Jenny’s Surprisingly Stretchy bind off.
Thank you so much. Silver’s sock tutorial is what I’ve used to learn socks, so far. I just haven’t gotten to the One-sock-two-circular-needles yet. And thanks for the cast on - looks like this will solve the problem. Thanks again. Knitters are the best!
And by the way, I have tipped Silver for her terrifically informative videos.
If you’re really having trouble with the heel turn, you can knit socks straight like a tube sock. I measure according to my foot length as they tell you to, but mine always end up feeling too short. They curl my toes.
Tube socks come in handy when you’re knitting socks for babies and children. They grow so fast that a sock with a nice heel turn may not fit them or may not fit them for long. They’re also great if you have to finish a gift in a hurry and don’t know the person’s shoe size or measurements. Once you get up to the number of straight stitches you need, there is no counting. It’s mindless knitting you can easily do while watching tv. I just get out my tape measure to determine when I’ve knit enough.
Another thing I thought of is, to do fewer wrap and turns on your sock heel. This will make the heels look more rounded rather than pointy. I think most patterns call for four WTs on each side. I do three.
I just came across something new the other day about socks. Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato Sock Heel. This is a new approach and makes a very rounded (tomato-like) heel. There is a free video about the technique on YouTube. Give it a look.
I wanted to add that once your “square” sock is on it will probably work fine and what they look like off really doesn’t matter.