My New Project

I am finally getting back to knitting, and when/if I hurt, I stop. So I am making a new dress pattern, the other one, looked weird when I picked up the bar to make a stitch. So, I am making the Helen Joyce Pattern by Taiga Hilliard.
Anyway, I have done everything according to the pattern… Row 5 is where markers are placed, and extra stitches are added row 6. I know I did this correctly, because I have the right amount of stitches.

Row 6:(RS) K1, P1, K1, P1, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 4x, knit-to the last 4 stitches, K1, P1, K1, P1
(8 stitches increased) CHECK!
Row 7 is just purled
Row 8:(RS) K1, P1, K1, P1, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 2x, knit to the next marker, SmA, knit 3, YO, SSK, knit 3, K2tog, YO, knit 3, HERE IS WHERE I AM HAVING A PROBLEM: I have 2 more stitches before my marker! SmA, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 2x, knit-to the last 4 stitches, K1, P1, K1, P1

Is this a pattern error, or is it me?

Glad that you’re getting back to knitting. It’s smart to know when to stop and take a break.

So Row 8:(RS)
is K1, P1, K1, P1, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 2x, knit to the next marker, SmA, knit 3, YO, SSK, knit 3, K2tog, YO, knit 3, SmA, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 2x, knit-to the last 4 stitches, K1, P1, K1, P1

So marker A is in addition to the 4 marker Bs? It’s difficult to tell how many sts there are between markers to begin with.
The sequence " knit 3, YO, SSK, knit 3, K2tog, YO, knit 3" will take 13sts and leave you with 13sts.

Sorry for the confusion. I am making the 12 month size (second number in the bracket) SO here is the set up row-
Row 5:(WS) P1, K1, P1, K1, purl 7(8,9,10,10,10,10), PmB, purl 6(7,8,8,8,8,9)(sleeve), PmB, Purl 2(4,6,7,7,7,7), PmA, purl 13(this is the center
panel for chart A),I am not using the chart PmA, purl 3(5,7,8,8,8,8), PmB, purl 6(7,8,8,8,8,9) (sleeve), PmB, purl 7(8,9,10,10,10,10), P1, K1, P1, K1
So once I do row 6, which has a kfb, sm, kfb, 4x. I now have 15 stitches in that section instead of 13

I have tried to rework this, but I sent the designer a note, because after row 6, I still am ending up with 15 stitches instead of 13

There are some complaints about the pattern on Ravelry. It may be that the markers referred to in row 6 are the B markers. That would make the increases at the raglan lines and not at the A markers. How you were to know that?
The designer should be able to clarify. I’m glad to read this as I have this in favorites for the next baby girl.
See the notes here too:

She cleared this up for me, I figured it out too before that- If you knit 4 times like the pattern says, you will have the right amount of stitches but they are in the wrong place- so 13 stitches between the A markers, and the kfbs in all others which will make 8 increases but added that way, they will be in the right place! This was her reply, and it makes better sense
Row 6:(RS) K1, P1, K1, P1, (Knit to 1 stitch before the next marker, Kfb, SmB, Kfb) work 4x, knit-to the last 4 stitches, K1, P1, K1, P1

So you are working it like this

Keep it in mind and just take note, I would love to see if you make it too!

I contacted the designer, and you were right. After her clarification, I was able to place the markers in the correct place. This is my final product! I am very happy with it!


What a beauty


Beautifully worked! I’m glad you’re back to knitting with such a pretty dress.

I saw the little girl wearing the dress I made, it did my heart good! BUT… I made the dress in the 12 month size and I followed all the directions. However, what I didn’t realize is that to make the dress a dress (and not a tunic) I should have made the skirt section a lot longer before adding the border. It looks like it will fit her for a while as a tunic, but it definitely was NOT long enough for a dress- this is just my observation and a word of advice for those of you who might want to make it. :slight_smile:


She should be able to wear it for a darling little top for quite some time. When my daughter was little she was wearing baby dresses for tops for a long time. Those cute little dresses were the only reason she’d keep pants on to keep her legs warm in winter. She loved ruffled, frilly dresses.