Oh my GOD!! I have been noticing in the last few weeks or so that my hair is getting thinner than normal and there’s a bit of it on my pillow and it never used to be there before. I don’t want to go bald! I’m scared to death of losing my hair. What do I do?
I have thin naturally curly hair, I don’t shampoo - I condition instead - every 3rd day or so and what comes out in my hands is terrifying in so many ways. My mom suggested the Nioxin products and I’m trying those - Yikes they’re expensive.
Could my hair products be causing my pores to be clogged? Is that even possible? Am I stressed?? Of course I am, but I exercise (jogging) at least 4 times a week. Minimum of 2 miles per day.
I haven’t been to the doctor yet as I’m quite embarrassed about this and I don’t know where to turn. I’m only 32 yrs old, I can’t lose my curls, I just can’t.
Help :verysad: