Multidirectional Victorian Scarf by Iris Schreier

Has anyone knit the Multidirectional scarf? It directs me to CO then work 3 st unraveling pattern, then rib st pattern 3 time bla, bla, bla but then there’s this, Rib Stitch Pattern Row 1, 3, 5: *k1, p1; repeat from * to last st, p1 Rows 2, 4: k1, *k1, p1; repeat from * to last st.

I’m so utterly confused as to the sequence I’m supposed to be following. I’m sure it’s me not the pattern but I just do not get it.

I can’t post the pattern because it’s still for sale on Raverly.

I’m hoping someone has knit this scarf and can help me!

Thank you,


I get stuck at unraveling panel because I don’t know what panel means here. I’ll just leave the pattern link for others.

I am so sorry it should not say panel I should have said pattern! My bad, so sorry!

Thanks for the link, GG!
It is confusing but there are some comments and videos that may help. The videos are from the designer and they’re out of frame at times and out of focus but still. Not sure if it’s precisely the steps you need help with but give them a look.

They were posted in the Comments section of the pattern. Also there are comments from this knitter that may prove helpful as you work the scarf.
A lifeline seems like a must.

You can post a row or two of the pattern if you think it will help. As you recognize, we can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyright.

I fixed it to say pattern instead of panel

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I watched both videos, part 2 video has no sound so not very helpful. I am still confused as to the sequence to follow. I’ll just have to keep reading it until I get it! I’m so frustrated with it at this point! :weary:

And yes I’m well aware of copyright which is why I have not posted the whole pattern. :blush:

I know this is confusing and frustrating.
I get sound on my computer for both videos. See if for the second, the sound level is just low.
Can you quote a line or two at the beginning? That may help us.
If the rows after the cast on are The Rib Stitch Pattern then it looks like that pattern is repeated on the first 5 rows. Alternate Row 1 and then Row 2 for those 5 rows.

An alternative is to message the designer or one of the knitters whose project is posted on Ravelry. You could also try asking a question in the Comments section.

I just listened again to part 2 video and great sound during advertising but no sound once actually video starts.

Honestly it’s going to take finding someone who has actually knit this scarf. Quoting a couple lines will not help, trust me, it’s too involved. The 3 stitch unraveling pattern has 3 panels. Then there’s the Rib Stitch Pattern Row 1, 3, 5: *k1, p1; repeat from * to last st, p1 Rows 2, 4: k1, *k1, p1; repeat from * to last st. I’m sorry nothing personal and I so appreciate your willingness to help. Due to copyright I cannot post enough of this pattern to make sence to anyone.

Again I thank you!

It’s certainly possible that a knitter recognize the pattern, see you post and be able to help. Good luck with it. It’s a very unusual and fascinating construction.

No worries. It all gets sorted. I never make typsos. :flushed:

I wonder if a photo of your work so far might be hlepful.

It’s beautiful and I have a close friend who has helped me in ways I could never describe and she also loves it, I want to knit it for her!

Do you have stitches with multiple wraps, which will be dropped, on the needle?

From comments on Ravelry

I forgot to mention that this scarf is not ordinary elongated stitches. It is multidirectional. Which means it is first knitted horizontally, then vertically. Vertical stitches are unraveled to create that drop stitch effect. That’s why the long stitches look as straight and even as they do in the photo.

I’m thinking you are to cast on 3 sts then work across the stitches on the needle in whatever the current pattern is, dropping the extra wraps, kind of like doing a knitted on/applied border. Are you familiar with doing that?

I reread this multiple times and hope I caught at least the worst typos so it makes some semblance of sense. Fingers crossed.

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I have not done anything yet! I don’t understand the pattern at all!

Do you understand how it begins? The photo on the pattern page looks like it begins with elongated sts. If you work that part the next portion might be more easily understood.

IME the best way to tackle a problem like this is to actually do it. YMMV I know not everyone approaches things this way.

Yes I know how it begins and have actually knit it, you’d have to actually see the whole pattern to understand what I’m confused about. All I can say is it’s a sequence thing.

There is the Instructions, then there is the pattern stitches, 3 stitch unraveling pattern which consist of 3 panels, then there is the rib stitch pattern rows and then there is the 5 stitch unraveling pattern which consists of again 3 panels.