Moss Stitch inc

The pattern reads as follows:

(moss st 10 sts, inc in next st, moss st 1 st, inc in next st, moss st 8 sts) 5 times, moss st 11 sts.

I understand I need to moss stitch 10 st then inc, then knit a stitch according to moss stitch, then inc again

My problem is that adding the increase, then knitting normally is messing up the k,p,k,p pattern

Am I misunderstanding, or should I trust the pattern because the next row is
moss st 9 sts, (P9, Cr3R, P1, Cr3L, P7) 5 times, P2,moss st 9 sts.

Thank You in advance

Welcome to KH!
The increase sts will likely fall into the cable crosses although the moss sts in the second row should still align with some of the moss in the first row.
The stitch numbers in the two rows that you quoted don’t add up however, even accounting for the increases. Is the more to the first row than you quoted? I’m assuming the Cr3R and Cr3L are 3 stitch cables.

What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Hi there, thank you so much for your response
It’s this pattern by Paintbox Yarns:

Yes it doesn’t quite add up when I look at it
The Cr3R/L are cable stitches ye

Are you working the pattern for the cardigan? I don’t see moss stitch in this pattern. The background is reverse stockinette stitch for the cable crosses.

ETA: Aha, I see. This is part of the blanket.

row 14 (ws) moss st 9 sts, (moss st 10 sts, inc in next st, moss st
1 st, inc in next st, moss st 8 sts) 5 times, moss st 11 sts. 135 sts.
Change to 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles.
Now work in patt as follows:
row 1 (rs) moss st 9 sts, (P9, Cr3R, P1, Cr3L, P7) 5 times, P2,
moss st 9 sts

The pattern will only continue the moss stitch (or seed stitch) at the borders. The background for the cable stitch pattern is reverse stockinette stitch. The section that I bolded in row 14 will become the cables in row 1.
When you work the increase in a stitch in row 14 look at the moss stitch pattern and be sure to continue that pattern. You want the moss stitch to align with the rows below. There will be the extra increase sts but you can work them both as purl sts. They will become part of the cable cross on row 1.

Okay that makes more sense, thank you so much!
I appreciate you taking the time to assist; I was at my wit’s end lol

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See how it goes. It may help to mark the increase sts so that you’re sure they coincide with the cables. I also like to mark repeats just to make sure I keep on track across a long row of sts.
Have fun with this lovely blanket!

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Good Idea, I’ll use markers
Thank you so much, it’s a fun challenge!

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