Me again…back with another project - this time a men’s guernsey cable sweater for my Dad.
I bought the pattern of Etsy a while back and gosh I regret it as it’s so confusing but I almost feel forced to give it a go now that I’ve paid!
I’m currently knitting a gauge/tension square and the instructions are “work 12 sts patt IIIA, 8 ste patt II, and 8 sts pat, beginning with row 1 of each and working evenly numbered rows in reverse order. Work even for 4”.”.
Now my thinking is that I’d follow row 1 instructions for each pattern for that first line then move onto row 2 instructions for the pattern and so on. Is that right? And then because it’s an evenly numbered row I’d reverse the instruction. However I’m confused as for that patt the instruction is “P2, (k1b, p1, k1b, p2) twice.” So which bit would I reverse would it be “(p2, k1b, p1, k1b) twice, p2” or “(k1b, p1, k1b, p2) twice, p2”. My guess is the first one but if I could get some clarification that would be great.
Thank you in advance!