Matching half fishermans rib to my 1x1 rib

Hello there. I’m new to the site, I’ve started knitting again last year after a gap of many years. Could anyone advise me on the following question? I’m knitting a jumper and I’ve done a 1x1 rib of K1, P1. I’m now moving onto the Half Fisherman’s rib pattern. Row 1 is knit (RS) Row 2 is K1B, P1. (WS). Should the K1B on the WS match the K1 on the RS OR the P1?
I’m using 100% Wool and I don’t want to make a mistake as the wool is very difficult to unpick, specifically with the K1B. Help would be really appreciated!

The easiest way to do this is to line up the P1 in the ribbing viewed from the WS with the P1 in the fisherman’s rib as viewed from the WS. You can try this out on a swatch if you’d like to see if that’s the pattern you want.

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Thank you :pray: