Map of the world attempt 3 and gauge question.

I’m having to admit that the map of the world is a bit beyond my skill set for now. Also I’m really unhappy with my colour choice for it so I’ve lost all enthusiasm for battling with it (for now!)

Can I just check something though? The yarn I used is officially a DK and the pattern was for a (sadly discontinued worsted weight). I went from the gauge which seemed equivalent but the lengths are vastly different. Assume this is just a weight between the acrylic I used and the cotton recommended?

Right, off to work up a nice easy striped jumper that won’t make me feel like I’m losing the plot. :joy:


P.S. I wish you could get swatches from yarn companies that show what the colours actually are in real life like you do when buying paint.

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Some yarn companies offer them for purchase (or even for free). Look for “colourcard”. Other companies only supply them to stockists, so you could ask in your local yarn shop whether they have a colourcard for the yarns you are interested in. (Usually kept behind counter so they don’t get lost or pinched.)

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Oh my god! Amazing news! Thanks so much kushami!

Your knitting looks very nice. Colours can be tricky to choose, even when you can do it in person. Sometimes they look very different in natural light or under electric light in the evening.

I think acrylic is lighter than cotton, so length per weight could well be quite different.

But the important thing is that you are happy with how the fabric looks and feels (looks good in your photo) and that the garment is going to come out the right size (either by matching the pattern tension, or adjusting the pattern to match your tension).

What was the original yarn, and what one are you using?


They really can! Even that photo of my work doesn’t show the colours it actually is.

I used scheepjes colour crafter but the original yarn was Reynolds saucy. I tried to find an equivalent cotton but came up short. Or they were just too far out of my price range!

Colors are so difficult to decide on online. For me, an ipad and iphone are truer to the actual color in hand. I’ve never managed to set the laptop to better tones.
Kushami is so right about the effects of lighting too. Taking the yarn outside in natural light is a help.
I think you’ve done well with the colors even if they are filtered through your camera and my computer. Maybe not what you wanted but pleasing nonetheless. Put it aside for now but it’s a good-looking sweater to keep in mind when you want a challenge. Looks well done to me!

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You were asking about the yarn kengths, is it ecause you are concerned you Don have th right amount to complete the sweater?


Weight: Worsted / Medium
Texture: Plied (3 or more plies)
Fiber: Mercerized Cotton (100%)
Needles: 4.5mm (7 US) (7 UK)
Gauge: 20 sts / 10 cm (4")
Balls: 100g; 169m (185 yds)

If you bought the same number of balls as the pattern called for in the original yarn, you will have plenty as your sub yarn is longer. Prob lots extra to make something else I would imagine.

Your knitting looks very nice. Hope you enjoy your break from it. I really enjoy making striped sweaters, although not wearing them, the stripes seem to make it whizz by.

It was more just wondering if it had any impact on the look I suppose! I bought the same amount of balls to factor in all the mistakes I’ll make :joy:

Did you also factor in all the mistakes I make when typing? I’m amazed you managed to decipher what I said!


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