Make a little girl's days brighter!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Please visit [FONT=Arial][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS]. This is a website developed by an eleven year old child who was diagnosed with brain cancer on October 26, and her mother. The following is a quote from an e-mail from her father: [COLOR=navy][I]"After a craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as possible, she started radiation and chemotherapy on Wed November 28, 2007 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. [/I][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy][I]As part of her home bound school project she is asking people to sign her guestbook and has a large map where she is tracking where people write from. I know it may be asking a lot, but if you would consider signing with a short note of encouragement it would mean a great deal. She reads these postings several times a day and it does a lot for her mood."[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know that knitters are some of the most generous people on earth, and I immediately thought of my friends here at KH. Please take a moment to visit her site and leave a note. She is trying to get a post from every state in the US. Imagine her surprise when she hears from people not only from all over the US, but the world as well :)[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thank you in advance for each of you who take the time to do this. I believe love and encouragement to be powerful “medicine”![/FONT][/FONT]

Done from Canada!

Just left a message from VA!

Thanks to everyone who visited and signed the guestbook! :muah: Any more?:shrug:

New Jersey just signed it! (and added my hometown too!):grphug:

Im going to sign and send your post to a couple of groups I am on if that is ok with you.

My message sent to Katherine from here in the UK :slight_smile:

signed from the UK

Thanks for sharing. Signed from NY.

Just signed from PA:heart:

Thank you all so much!! :slight_smile: I saw on the site that they are now working on a map of the world :slight_smile: I think this is so exciting!

Misha, it would be great for you to share with other groups!

Thanks again to everyone!!!