Loose yarn

Wow rough day knitting yesterday. While working on child’s sock some how I ended up with a loop of yarn on inside of sock when I tried to adjust it too take up the extra yarn, it just didn’t look right. Stitches appeared loose and elongated. So then came the tinking back. Took several rounds and with tiny stitches it took forever. But finally managed it and definitely worth the effort. I couldn’t live with it like it was and I was determined not to just start over since I felt too far along. Teaches me to be more careful. Maybe there is an easier way but I couldn’t think what it would be. I think this is what is meant by labor of love.


Sometimes there are just those days. I find that it’s so worth going back and correcting mistakes.

Lifelines help with this.

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Thanks. I’ve used a lifeline before. Guess I was comfortable with what I was doing so never even thought to use one. I guess mistakes can happen at any time. I need to inspect work every few rounds and that should help. When get to heel wil definitely use, since calls for German short rows and haven’t done that before.

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You’re right about inspecting rounds. I’ve made lace patterns without repeats that needed counting every other row. Tedious but better than mistakes several rows below.
German short rows are easier to work than wrap and turn with lots of supporting videos out there. I think you’ll enjoy them.


I’d rather think back then start over too. I’ve been trying to check my work more often looking for mistakes thean I use to. Try checking things after every couple rows.

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