I’m trying to make “loop stitches” to make a “lion’s mane” for a stuffed animal. The instructions in the book are for a 3-loop stitch, but every time I follow the pattern (exactly – I found a youtube video that is the same as the written instructions in the book) - How To Knit Three Loop Stitch - YouTube- when I pull on one of the loops at a time (as opposed to all three at a time), the loops pull out. This is NOT good for a little kid, whose fingers will get caught in the loops and eventually pull out the lion’s mane.
I’ve found a “single” loop stitch - Knitting Loop Stitch - How To Knit The Loop Stitch - YouTube-, which LOCKS each loop in place – but it takes forever to make THREE of them for each stitch, AND by the time I get to the third loop, the knitting is too tight to pull the stitches into a triple loop stitch.
Can anyone tell me how to EASILY do a three-loop stitch, SO THAT THE LOOPS ARE LOCKED IN PLACE, and don’t end up falling apart if I pull on one loop at a time???
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated – since I’m pulling my hair out trying to get this finished. Thank you!!!