Looking for: Yankees NY logo

I’m looking to make a pillow for my 11 yr old son who is a Yankee fanatic! I have great blue yarn and this would be perfect! I know so many of you make discloths with letters, designs, etc…anyone know of a Yankee pattern??


have you thaught about useing graph paper and making your own chart? Then you could use the blue for the outlying color and white for the ny yankees symbol??

the graph paper idea works perfect. I have, with my husband’s help made many pattens this way. Good Luck.

no…i don’t know how to make a graph … anywhere i can find instructions??

Just draw out the pattern on graph paper. Then, decide if you want the area inside the design to be stockinette, garter stitch, or whatever. I made a Houston Astros logo this way.

I am looking to see if I can get and make a chart for you somehow… I do know there is a program you can use to do this type of thing. The program is usually used for cross stitching charts. I don’t have one but sometimes you can find free tools on the internet. I will get back to you ok?? Unless someone else helps ya first!!! :wink:

You can make graph paper here
Or you can take a picture and it will make it for you

[B]wolfmom i tried out that site where you take the picture, but i donnt know if i did something wrong [/B]:?? because nothing happen, can you please help me i would love to make my kids hat with a logo on them. thank you:mrgreen: :blush:

You have to save your picture to your desktop first.
then go to knit pro and pick your grid size and the knit size portrait or landscape,then go to browse and get your picture from your desk top.Hit submit and your graph should come up
Is this what you did?

:shrug: I hope you can follow this link and have the emblem design you want…

momwolf you will never know how long it had just took me to do a chart for her by hand!! :frowning: I was ready to tear out my hair! But I really do enjoy a challenge… so anyhow i cannot believe that this link is sooooo easy to make a chart with!!! whooohoooo you soooo ROCK!! :o) ty!

I am always amazed by the knitting skills I see her on KH and now I am in awe of your technical skills as well !! My father and I are HUGE Yankees fans (along with about 100 other people I know) and I have saved this to use for Christmas gifts etc. I see dishcloths, lapghans, and pillow covers.

Thank you