Well I just looked. No Francis Adams. I have and Eva Mae, a no lable, one that says Union made, one with a stamp for the lable that looks like it says Opera. My mom and aunts have a few others, but they are not handy for me to look at.
Meier & Frank was a very famous Portland Dept. Store with stores all over Oregon. It then for many years was part of the May Company which had stores under a different name back east, for awhile Hecht’s I think. Recently the May Co. was bought by Macy’s and so the Meier and Frank in down town Portland is no longer, it is becoming a Macy’s- very sad as it was M & F for ever…Lots of my mother’s and her sisters, and her parent’ shopping was done there. My table and chairs, which were my grandparents and now are 63 years old, was purchased there.