Looking for double knitting blanket patterns

Does anyone know on websites i can find patterns for double knitting or reversible blanket patterns. Been looking and cant find any. Alot of scarf patterns. I love the look of them

I did a Ravelry search and here’s what I got. Not all are doubleknit.

If you have a pattern you’d like to use you can quite likely adjust it to blanket size by using repeats. It involves math so I would have to leave the calculating to someone else. If it were me I’d be asking for math help. Good luck finding what you want.

Or as GG said if you have found scarf patterns you like you can size it up.

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I love the Read blanket in the search that GG linked to. Here’s another one that has an interesting history. The Lou Hoover Blanket.

I’ve thought about, but since I don’t do doubleknitting well won’t be doing, using charted dishcloth patterns and doing cats, dogs, or some theme or just choose ones I like, and doing a patchwork type of blanket. I might do one for a pillow top. :upside_down_face:

That’s amazing! I might try this potholder a friend shared the link to. I guess you have to sign up for emails to get it free and I haven’t.

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I find this quite helpful for you: https://toniaknits.com/reversible-blanket-knitting-patterns/