Looking for advice about yarn I made, nobody will look at it.

You can see the yarn balls there. I don’t know why I cannot even get 1 page view. Is it ugly? Does nobody like that color? Maybe they will not look at it because it’s handspun yarn? Is it cost too much? I priced it at $0.12 per yard. Maybe they not interested in the wpi? Maybe there is not enough yards for them?

I don’t know what is wrong with my yarn. I think I might turn this into a pair of socks, crochet.

I like spinning yarn but not worth doing it because nobody will even look at it.

So like, I have som eideas I am gong to try with future yarn. One is the return policy. I will allow returns if they do not like the quality of my yarn. So they can buy my yarn, and if they do not like the quality of it, they can return it free, with full refund.

Next, I did some analytics with eBay search engine. Seems not very many #2 yarns listed, and not very many sold either.

And finally, the color, not very many yarns with yellow, and not sold with yellow either.

I am going to take the yarn and make a hat out of it, a beanie hat on my brand new homemade heddle table loom. I put the warp on it two days ago, but have not been able to do any weaving yet. Been busy.

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Clever of you do do this research. I wonder if you could spin sock yarn. That seems to be in demand but a bit finer than a #2 weight.

I think I can spin at this wpi. I decided to look at eBay sales record after you said this, I found out that #4 yarn is the one with most sales, then #3, and then then #1 sock yarn. #4 yarn has double that of #1 and #3.
A #4 yarn would be faster to spin up.
Also, I think I would need charge per ounce not yards for the yarn. I would need look at it after spinning it up.