I realize that you might be VERY LEFT handed… but, oh honey… I so wish you could have learned to knit ‘right handed’… when you first start out it is clumbsy for everyone… and both hands are working together.
I have taught several left-handed people how to knit- I don’t even tell them that there is ANOTHER WAY… You have to use both hands anyway–
And, they have all learned how w/out any problems. Both hands have to work together as partners anyway… and it’s as someone mentioned- it’s awkward at best when you first start out.
I mostly taught them how ‘right-handed’ simply for the frustrations that you are experiencing… I just can’t even imagine flipping everything around in your brain and by hand movements/etc. It would be so limiting and frustrating at times.
Good luck to you… though…
Do you just not want to try to learn ‘right handed?’ To make it easier in the future?
By the way a couple of years ago- I had a broken right wrist that was in a cast for over 3 months… and when it was finally well- I found out that I also had torn tendons in my right hand- so, I couldn’t use my right hand at all (not even to type w/) for about 8 months…
AND… about 7 years ago-- I severed 3 nerves and 2 tendons in my right hand and HAD NO USE of my RIGHT hand for over a year… it was a year ‘before’ I could send the signal from my brain to my hand to press a key on the computer-- now, I couldn’t type…I could just send the signal and a ‘finger responded’… and it was OVER a year and a half before I could ‘sort of use’ my right hand… and over 2 years before I could do something like ‘knit’ … etc.
SO, I speak from experience of someone who was one hand ‘strongly dominated’ who was forced DUE TO SERIOUS injuries to have to rely ‘immediately’ on my non-dominate hand for two different long term injuries. And, I know that it is difficult to learn to use another hand- but, trust me… what happened to me was quite difficult- because I could ONLY USE ONE HAND… the other hand or fingers were unable to work or help out in anyway.
And, for the ‘severed nerve’ injury… there was no guarantee that I would even get use of my right hand again… but, I did everything that I could to get the hand strong again… and of course the ‘nerve regeneration’ was totally out of my control anyway.
SO, you see… my long message is to show you… IT CAN BE DONE… if you wish it strong enough. Good luck to you!!