Am knitting Socks for a dear friend with extra wide feet. I usually do the fish lips kids heel, but am a bit unsure if I also need to add a mini gusset. Total length of foot is 11-3/8, Ankle to heel is 4-7/8, diagonal around heel and where foot/leg meet is 14. Any sock known have some advice?!! Thanks in advance!!
Knitting Socks for Wide Feet
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I wonder if this free pattern would help. It’s not the FLK heel but maybe it would work for you.
Roxanne Richardson has done videos on fitting short row heels.
ETA I just realized that I’d included the wrong link and removed it. I can’t get a search results link to work.
The mini gusset is handy when the wearer has a high instep.
I have a friend with a wide foot and an average instep – the usual proportion of stitches works fine for a short-row heel for the socks I make for her. I just knit the sock on more stitches overall.
I have a wide foot and a high instep, so I need to allow for that with a mini gusset or other adjustment.
Your friend will apppreciate these custom socks!
Thank you so much!!
Thanks for that link. My brother has Clydesdale type ankles and his socks often pull - extreme pull- on the diagonal heel/instep line. I increased the width there in my usual make-it-up-as-you-go manner and it worked. Sort of.
But I think it might be better to do it more systematically.
If he has that much of a problem with socks you really should try a heel flap style. I do mine with longer than usual heel flap and gusset. My gusset stitches are double the heel stitch count plus 2. I probably could figure out how to make a short row heel work for my feet but it’s too much bother when I have something that works.
Thanks GG. I’ll try that. I make heel flap style socks occasionally, but they’re not my go-to style. I can see how you could add extra length to that diagonal with that type of heel