Knitting patterns

I have been looking for patterns for all in one newborn babygrows (with feet attached) and matching hat, but can only seem to find ones without the feet even to buy. Image attached of something I’m looking for, id like something with a bit of detail, but not too complex, maybe one with poppers etc going all the way up to make it easier to dress baby. Any help or ideas, if you have any patterns or can point me in the right direction, would be great

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There are a few with feet on etsy, although hnfortunately not with poppers all the way down the leg. To me they look very tricky for changing bums.

Hmm… doesn’t look like my links are working. Try etsy with “footed pyjama romper” search. Edited to add the links work, I dont know why they look crazy.

It may be that footed rompers fell out of fashion. My mum told me she and my aunties always cut the feet off of baby-gros to get longer use from them as the legs would quickly get short.
I notice many of the designs now have an extra long leg and begin use with a folded cuff which can be turned down either to cover feet or to allow for growth.
Might you consider an extra long leg and perhaps a mat hing sock or bootie instead?

I always preferred designs which did not require any of the upper body being undressed for a bum change. Baby gets cranky (and me) and cold and wakes up too much with all the fiddling about.

Hope you find a design you like. The one you posted a pic of looks lovely and has easy lower access too. Is it not an available pattern?

Thank you for your help, no unfortunately the image I have is of one to purchase, but doesn’t have the size I would like. Yea it looks like I’m going to have to give in and do matching booties instead of feet joined or learn fast to create it on my own lol

In some of the patterns Creations linked to the foot of the all-in-one is just straight knitting with no shaping for a sock heel (more like tube socks). It seems to me that you could take any onsie pattern and add to the length after the toe. Minimal shaping to round the toe would be enough.

Here’s one with a little foot shaping:

I would imagine you could find a sock or bootie pattern which has a toe up construction with a similar ending stitch count to the stitch count on the bottom of the onsie leg cuff, and then you could continue knitting from one pattern to the next, or graft the feet to the legs.
Some of the onsies are bottom up for instance which may has a cast on count similar to the bind off of a sock… it still requires a bit of working out but I’d personally find it much easier to use 2 patterns and work out a link, even a flat seam if necessary.

Did you want to knit flat or in the round? There are some Drops booties which are knitted flat then seamed under the foot. I imagine the cuff could be knitted onto as rhe beginning for the leg.

Or, as salmonmac said you could work onsie top down and add to the leg, this pattern for socks, top down, starts in the round, then worked flat for the foot, could be added