Knitting pattern sirdar 1219

I’m knitting a baby jacket 0-6 months pattern 1219. I’m knitting the back and completed shaping armholes taking in the diamond pattern. Now, I’m to continue without shaping until back measures 10 cm. I’ve run into difficulties as I’ve lost the pattern due to armhole decreases. There are 8 rows to the pattern.
I’m inexperienced at reading pattern when full directions not given

Really would appreciate help.


Yes, the pattern is almost never written out for these instances. You’ll need to take the decreased sts into account either by subtracting them from the pattern row or by looking at the pattern established in previous rows.
One way to do this is to look further along the row and predict what the stitch in the current row should be, then work back to the first stitch of the row. The important thing is to not lose the main pattern.

What I like to do when I have a pattern repeat that will be affected when I decrease for armholes is I place stitch markers along the row at the start of each pattern repeat so when I lose stitches in the pattern due to armholes I can either work forwards or backwards from the next stitch marker and I know where I am with the pattern.


Thanks a mill for reply. I understand principle but finding it hard to get correct sequence going. I do wish detailed instructions could be given as I’m stuck!

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Jo_Hamlett’s idea of placing markers is a good one. You’ll have to move them on each row but it’ll be worth it till you see where the pattern is going.
I’ve worked a pattern like this and sometimes I’ve started the row on the wrong stitch. It’s clear pretty early in the row that I’ve gone off. Try looking at the row and figuring out how to start so that the pattern is maintained.

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I’ve learnt from experience and had a light bulb moment! But using that method has never let me down yet. Especially if I’m knitting something with more than one stitch pattern.

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I had the same problem with a pattern panel.
The others have given great advice, markers and looking ahead to see if you recognise one of the stitches, find it in the pattern and count backwards to see what stitch to start the row on.

If you really can’t work it out on your project (I was 3 days at this doing the math to try to work out which stitch to start on) then I suggest starting a swatch of the diamond shape and as you knit it really mindfully LOOK at what each stitch does and how it effects the pattern and builds on previous rows.
I had quite happily and blindly followed my given pattern and had no clue what was sitting in top of what. I had to learn how to read the stitches of that particular lace. A swatch (and markers) and paying heaps of attention to the stitches may help you figure out where you are up to on your project.

Good luck!

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