Knitting Pattern Help - Knitting for Olive Sally Sweater

Hi There,

I’m new to the forum (hello!) - I was wondering if anyone might be able to help.

I wouldn’t call myself a total beginner knitter, but I definitely am just that when it comes to knitting jumpers / sweaters. I thought I would take the leap, and have chosen the knitting for olive Sally sweater for my first try.

I’ve made it through the first few rows, and have hit a bit of a wall. I’m currently at the ‘shaping right shoulder and front neck’ bit, and whilst I understand the process of picking up stiches in theory, I am so confused as to what I’m supposed to be doing, and how all of this is going to start to resemble a sweater.

Would anyone care to explain to me how to approach this part of the pattern, like I’m a toddler…the simpler the better!

Here’s the pattern, and what my knitting looks like so far (which I think is correct, but Lord knows):

Thanks so much- any help would be a life saver!!


Welcome to KH. Others can help you better than I but here’s the pattern link. Your knitting looks good!

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Thanks GG for the link.
The notes and especially the last two photos in this project on the Ravelry page are especially helpful.

You’ve been working the back neck and shaping it with the German short rows. Now you will pick up sts from the cast on edge to work the part of the sweater that will form the right shoulder. The cast on edge will be up against your back neck and the picked up sts along the cast on will start the shoulder and continue down your right shoulder.
See the last photo in SEvans project page (link above). The blue marker is on the cast on edge (this will be the part up against your neck) and the picked up sts have been knit and extend down what will be the right shoulder.
Your knitting looks very nice so far. These shoulder directions are likely the most difficult part of the entire sweater to figure out.

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I think the top down seamless sweaters are more difficult to understand the construction of, especially with the shoulder shaping - so probably quite tricky for a first sweater but you will learn lots making this and will no longer be new at knitting sweaters.
Looking good so far!

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Thanks so much guys, for the guidance and encouragement! I feel a bit more confident now