First time knitting in the round and so far I love it. I am at the point of joining the sleeves and body then decreasing up the shoulders. I am able to go through the first row to attach all three pieces but then I am confused about how to decrease to form the shoulders and upper chest area to the neck line. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Pattern is the Grand Day Out by Yonca Ozbelli
Knitting in the round and joining sleeves
Very nice! Which size are you making?
Begin with a body and sleeve decrease round on round 1.
Then work a body decrease on rounds 5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37 and 41.
Work a sleeve decrease on rounds 5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33 and 37 and then rounds 39 and 41.
It’s a good-looking sweater. Enjoy working it!
Ok where? Is it where the sleeve meets with the body on both sides of the stitches on the stitch holder? If so how do I keep on the round with the gap from the stitch holder?
Yes, where the sleeve meets the body. These 4 places will be the raglan decrease lines. Under Joining Rnd just before Raglan Shaping, the pattern has you place 4 markers. The decreases will be on either side of these 4 markers. Most of the time, specific rounds 5-37 noted in my last post, you’ll be working decreases in both the sleeves and the body, so 8 decreases per decrease round for your size.
The stitch holder won’t interfere. The sts on the holders will be at the underarm (both body and sleeves) and you’ll be knitting over the live sleeve sts. You’ll work the back then the sleeve sts, front and then the second sleeve. The placed where the body meets the sleeve may be tight but it helps to pull out some of the cable next to the needle (similar to the way you work magic loop) to ease the tension at the joins. It’ll only be a problem for the first couple of joined rounds and then the joins are easier to work.