Knitting in round..arm hole help

I’m am attempting to knit a sweater from a pattern, but instead of knitting the front and back separate, I’m knitting it in the round with a fake seam on each side.
SO to bind off the stitches for the arm holes, I would put the fake seam in the middle of the bind off, right?
Like, the pattern says to bind off 8 stitches for the arm hole…but I’m knitting one piece in the round, so I would knit to within 3 stitches of the fake seam stitch, then bind off 4, including the fake seam stitch, then bind off 4 more for total of 8, right?
And I’d do this on the other side for the other arm hole, right?
THANK YOU for any information on knitting sweaters in the round,

Usually there are some bound off stitches on both the front and the back. Decide where the false seam stitch is included front ofr back - you would bind off the front stitche on one side, the back stitches on the other side of the seam stitch. Make sense?

Are you steeking?

Thank you Mario, that makes sense to me.
Now, I think I should begin to knit with single point needles, I think?
I’m thinking I should devide the front and back now. I think I should begin the arm hole decreases on single needles now.
Is this right??
THANK YOU for any help!

You can use straight needles if you want for the front or back and leave the other sts on the circ as a holder. Or put the held stitches on another needle or holder and knit back and forth with the circular.

THANK YOU. I think I got this figured out. I fiddled around a bit…at one point I had 1/2 on a straight needle and was trying to get the other 1/2 on the other straight needle and it was not working…! lol! duh!
But I finally got it. I got 1/2 on the straights and the other 1/2 on the holder. I’m knitting it now according to the pattern now. Hopefully it will resemble a sweater when I’m done.
THANK YOU AGAIN for the help! :muah:

Since you now have your sweater divided into 3 parts(front and 2 sides for a cardigan or 2 parts. front and back for a pullover)_ just attach a ball of yarn to each piece and continue to work back and forth ,picking up and dropping the extra yarns for each piece.

I work as Ellieblue does. By working all three (two fronts and back) at the same time all the BOs, decs, etc are done at the same time ensuring placement. And tension is constant so one piece doesn’t end up longer/looser than the other. One downside is having three, or more, skeins going at one time but if you turn your work accordingly that’s not much of an issue.


Thank you so much.
So can I just pick up the arm hole stitches and knit a sleeve from the shoulder down, knitting in the round with double points?
Or…should I NOT stitch up the shoulder seam and pick up the stitches with straight needles and knit from the arm hole stitches down to the cuff?

My sweater now looks like a sleeveless sweater. I mean, I knit it all in the round and divided for the arm holes and top part, then I stitched up the front and back shoulder seams, but I can easily take out the stitches on the shoulder seams so the arm holes are not in a circle yet.

THANK YOU! :muah:

You need the armholes in a sorta circle, I don’t see how you’d make sts for them by continuing on the front and back. So try it out, pick up sts all around the armhole and see how it looks after several inches.

You can pick up around the armscye and work down but will need to factor in a cap of some kind. (I think some done that way incorp short rows.) If you want to work the sleeves traditionally, or in the round, from cuff up, you could then set them in. If flat, seam to w/in a few inches of the top and then seam to armscye. If worked in the round, set in as you would a sleeve with woven fabric when sewing.
