Knitting for Olive merino-based yarns

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have experience with the qualities Merino, Heavy Merino and Double Soft Merino by Denmark-based yarn maker Knitting for Olive? I reached out to them because I was trying to figure out for each quality whether the yarn was worsted-spun or woolen-spun. They answered that they “don’t know the English term for the way our yarn, as we have created our own way for the spinning”. If someone has experience with these yarns, could you please share for which types of projects you’ve found them most appropriate (stitch definition, colorwork, etc)?

Hello there!!

Have you joined If you go on their site, click on “Yarn” and then type in “Knitting for Olive” in the search box; all the yarns you are looking for come up. You will be able to see the weights on them and what projects others have used them for!!!

hth, knitcindy

Thanks @knitcindy! I did have a look at Ravelry indeed but for that type of searches I often find results a bit confusing. Maybe I was simply unlucky, but I’ve found that results would come up that weren’t very helpful to me, ie the yarn was listed but actually probably used in very small quantity, or used with mohair, or photo were unclear and not really showing texture. I tried reading a few project notes but didn’t see much about the yarn, knitter would simply say “I’m missing a ball”. I’m still fairly new on Ravelry so I might not use the filters right.

Ravelry is a great suggestion. I wish that they would add a category for construction under the various yarns. Knitting for Olive Merino, Heavy Merino is worsted spun and the Double Soft Merino is a chainette yarn.

Here’s more information on woolen vs worsted spun and on chainette.

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Thanks @salmonmac. Very helpful links. I love reading and learning about fibers and yarns. I think you might have been the one who recommended The Knitter’s Book of Yarn by Clara Parkes when I first joined the KH forum. I finished it a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I think I’ll read The Fleece and Fibers Sourcebook by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius next.
@knitcindy Silly me did go on Ravelry looking for projects made with Knitting for Olive yarns BUT I went straight to the projects and didn’t even look at the yarn pages. It actually doesn’t say much about Merino and Heavy Merino (@salmonmac, I assume you came to a conclusion by looking at the yarn? Not reading the info? It only says “plied”) but it does indicate that Double Soft Merino is a chainette yarn, I totally missed it. Lots of info on Ravelry!

I actually tooled up the Google and found a yarn shop that described the construction of the Heavy Merino and one that talked about the chainette. Ravelry is a wonderful source for projects made from a given yarn but these two may be a bit unusual. They look lovely.

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