Hi all! Beginner knitter here so sorry if this is an obvious question. I’m knitting a pair of mittens (pattern here: https://justadaydreamarts.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/fable-mitts-free-knitting-pattern/) and I’m stuck on this section:
next row – sl1, k3, bind off 2 st, k3.
next row – sl1, k2, p1, cast on 2 st, k the 2 cast on sts , p1, k3.
Confused about knitting the cast on stitches - does this mean cast on two stitches, and then knit them? Any tutorial I’ve found with casting on is onto the working needle, so how would you then knit them? Is there a way to cast on to the other needle?
I tried casting on to the left hand needle (not the working one) and knitting those but the yarn attached to the ball of wool was on the left hand needle as well, and think I’ve ended up with a bar across the button hole (pic attached). What am I doing wrong?
Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance!