Knitting bags: what do you use?

I am looking for one (to buy, not make!). Something that I can easily knit out of and pick up and go. I think this will help me knit on the go… right now it is just a pain!

Thanks :thumbsup:

[color=violet][b]this is the bag i use.

all the proceeds benefit Breast Cancer Research. It is big enough that i can carry two skeins of yarn for my baby afghan that i am knitting (to be fair the afghan is about as big as a book mark at this point but there is LOTS of room) It has a center pocket that can be zipped that i carry my wallet and stuff in, and another pocket for more stuff. i don’t think it is outrageously huge but others look at me like i am crazy. i think it works great and i do knit right out of the bag. when i am ready to leave i plop the knitting back in and i am good to go!![/b][/color]

I have tons of totes and other bags, but I recently bought a BagSmith Project Bag and I LOVE it for knitting. Best bag ever. :slight_smile:

I’m cheap, so I just bought a tote from Old Navy. It’s similar to []](http://secure.[url) this one. It’s big enough to carry around a decent-sized project (I hauled around a huge shawl that I wore my last trimester, so you know it was BIG.)


I don’t use this…but I SURE DO WANT IT!!! :heart: :heart: IT!!!
now check out this site…customizable ll bean tote…what more can u ask for…except for the $ to buy it…lol…I want a medium sized one, using all colors, long handles and I think with zippers, no…I need the zippers …I take that back…not all colors…all pretty, springy colors, with no 2 repeating…
now…u r curious … huh?!
UR gonna :heart: :heart: this bag!!
I’m taking donations now for mine…
:oops: :oops: :help: :verysad: that’s me being very sad & crying cause i can’f have it…sniff sniff…KELLLLLYYYYYYY…IIIIII NNNNNEEEEEDDDDD YOURRR CRRROOOSSSAAAABBBLLLEEESSSS!!!

omg…lol…i would have the most obnoxious bag if i got that!

Hmmm, well don’t you need all the little pockets that knitting bags have? That is why I was looking at a bag made for knitters. If not… there is a Kate Spade basket bag I have been eyeing that would be perfect :happydance:

This is what I use when I take my project with me. I got it at Target. It has a large pocket on the other side (on the outside). Also a lil mesh pocket inside. They have different ones with different sayings on them. This one fit me to a T! LOL! :thumbsup:


nah i have a thing that looks like an eyeglass case that carries three of my circular needles, a pair of scissors, and a tapestry needle. i think it may have some stitch holders in it too…i can’t remember.

yes, to u , the bag may be obnoxious…lol…but to me…oh Wow oh Wow…i’d be a knitter with a very obnoxious bag!!
I love the bags that the have a target! My husband always gets a few for me from there each year…I’m going to have to suggest that it be a larger bag this yeah,huh?!
or I’d still go for the LL bean obnoxious one…lol :roflhard: :roflhard:

I also have a target bag! Messenger style with a bunch of little pockets for smaller things. I would looooove the Jordana Paige one though, but I haven’t convinced myself to get it quite yet. :wink:

The Jordana Paige is on my want list, too. To keep myself from buying it, I knitted myself the small version of the My Constant Companion. I do love it. I haven’t even put pockets on it, yet…LOL.

Now I feel like, hey, I’ve got this great bag (I also have the larger version, but it doesn’t get a lot of use). Currently I’m knitting a drawstring pouch that I’ll felt and use for my notions.

As a little aside…what do you keep your stitch markers in? I have found that a little mint tin (mine is from Victoria’s Secret…red with black lace stocking pattern…very sexy). It’s a great size.

OK - Cheapo me uses a flat-bottomed non-zippered tote bag that I got for free at a conference. For my notions I use a satiny zippered cosmetic bag that I got (also for free) with my Clinique purchase of 19.99 or more at participating retailers near me.

I just use whichever tote bag is nearby when I race out the door in the morning. I bought the fabric to make tote bags. I want to make a large bag for schoolbooks and then do a medium size bag that will piggyback on the first tote to put my knitting and wallet in. I have a little designing to do, I guess. But first I have to finish a quilt, a half dozen clothing items for the DD’s, I think I have at least 15 projects I could finish sewing before I get to the tote. I think I’ll just go knit… :rollseyes:

I use a few different things for my knitting. My grandma made me a nice tote bag (thanks gma!) that I was using until I decided I was tired of having my knitting and needles squashed. Then I saw all the ladies in my spinning class using fabric lined baskets and I found out they got them at Trader Joe’s (really inexpensive there) - so now I have two(!) of those, one medium round and one large oval. I never thought a basket would be good, but I like the rigidness and they look nice under the coffee table at home. The fabric lining keeps the yarn from catching and my needles inside.

I also sometimes use a backpack in rainy weather. My notions are in a clear plastic cosmetic pouch - I like being able to see inside. I have some of those clear-top tins that I’m going to use when I finally get around to making my stitch markers. I also want to make some sort of needle pouch out of the fat quarters in my stash. Right now they’re stuck in the first swatch I ever knit - it’s really long - and rolled up.

I for real use whatever my stuff fits in…but i want a tote like those LL beans ones :XX: Not the exact one…but something like that…target…like ya’ll said has good stuff like that
i’m off

I love This Bag. Have it in the beige and black, if it gets dirty just wipe it clean. Even if someone :doh: leaves a pen open the ink wipes off

:heart: that one, too…I’m gonna have to go back to my original LLBean selection…the customizable…in medium…many bright colors (n 2 alike) with the long handles & the zipper…if I could only have a wish…lol
no kidding, tho…LLBeans last forever, I’m told
My address could be easily gotten from amy or something whenever u want to suprise me with it…i’d even like it in the small… :roflhard: :roflhard: …u know who u r…u who wants to buy me that bag… :roflhard: :roflhard: just keep it your secret…I don’t mind :thumbsup:

:wink: regarding the bright colors…that’s I want NO 2 alike…not n2…just don’t want to confuse u, secret admirer… :roflhard: :roflhard:
I’m just so funny even to me :rofl:
have a :balloons: kinda nite, peoples!!
:heart: in u all!!

I am sooooo in need of a knitting bag. I’m determined to make my own, even though it’s taking me forever with all my other projects going on. Meanwhile I’m carrying my knitting around in a plain old backpack, because my old knitting bag, which I’ve had since I was 8, has literally fallen apart. It’s a good thing, too, because I never really liked it all that much, so I’m LONG overdue for a nice bag. …just gotta finish knitting it! I’m being very picky about it, because I’m writing up the pattern for sale, so it has to be JUST right…

For some reason I just can’t fathom buying a store bought knitting bag. I buy store bought sweaters all the time, but a bag I feel compelled to knit myself! :?? Go figure.
