So this question is a shot in the dark, but I’ll try…I have 2 sets of Knit Picks interchangeable circular needles. So 2 investments already. Here’s my question, would anyone happen to know or have tried to use Knit Pro SWIVEL cables in their Knit Picks interchangeable needles?? I know, I know, crazy question, but if someone was successfully able to do the above, that would save me a lot of money.
Thank you in advance!
Knit Picks / Knit Pro Cables
Welcome to KH. This is a crazy smart question. The price on these things add up fast so having a better idea of what works is good. I have Knit Picks and Knitter’s Pride (Knit Pro) interchangeables. I got Lantern Moon (now part of Knitter’s Pride) swivel cables and love them! They work with either brand of tips. Knitter’s Pride has Lantern Moon and Mindful swivel cables. I chose Lantern Moon because they’re reportedly more flexible than the Mindful cables - and I don’t like the teal color that comes with Mindful. I long ago switched to buying Knitter’s Pride instead of Knit Picks. For me the quality seems superior. I intend to buy more of the Lantern Moon cables in different lengths. Oh yeah, the Lantern Moon swivel cables work very well for magic loop.
My current project using Nova Platina tips and Lantern Moon swivel cable.
Oh thank goodness You made my day!!
I will definitely be buying some of the lantern moons to use with my Knit Picks then!!! I’m also a crochet fanatic. It’s actually my first love. I have well over 100 hooks
It’s a sickness lol lol. So where I’m going with this is…I will definitely be checking out Knit Pro’s needles as soon as I’m able $$. I have a birthday coming up so we’ll see.
Thanks again
And it’s my 50th so this broad deserves something special Am I right?!!
Madness? Never! I just got these and since someone on another forum had posted that one had burrs she didn’t find until she’d used the hook I had to test them all. Crochet hurts my wrist so I don’t crochet much these days, I’m hoping the new hooks will help. I only learned to knit for my grandson. The yarn he chose for a sweater wasn’t crocheting well IMO so I had to finally learn to knit. (I’d been trying off and on for years and it just never clicked before.) Luckily I stumbled across this forum and got lots of help to knit his sweater. He rarely asks for anything so when he does I try to come through.
Absolutely right! I think I remember being 50. I had pizza for my 60th cuz my daughter had a little family party for me.
I looked at several yarn shop websites and they all seemed to state that they would work together. Best to phone your LYS and make sure though.
They work together. Would you like a photo of Knit Picks Sunstruck tips on the Lantern Moon swivel cable? The photo above is of Knitter’s Pride tips on the Lantern Moon cable that are in my current project. Knit Picks and Knitter’s Pride/Knit Pro are totally compatible.
It’s the way your crocheting and/or sitting, position of your arms, something…or if you were using hooks without any sort of ergonomic handles. I have carpal tunnel and I still never have pain…and I crochet all day, every day. I definitely recommend the knife hold. Also look for Addi Swing (or Maxi, depending on the size of your hands) hooks. They are awesome. I also enjoy working with my Dots set very much. The only time I’ll use any sort of wood is if the yarn is super slippery. They create too much drag for my taste. Just pay attention to your movements. You shouldn’t have to be contorting your hands in any way and relax. I hope this helps.
Yes! I definitely deserve some more needles
If you’d like to send a photo that’s be great
Thank you for all your help
I do all those things. I keep on trying to work it out. I can knit for hours with no problems. I’m not sure what photo you’d like.
You asked me if I wanted a photo of your Sunstruck.
Hmm, I’m not sure then. My wrist just moves in like a super shallow “scooping” motion. Well hopefully your new hooks will help.
Oh yeah. If I’d bothered to scroll up I’d have remembered. I’ll need to dig them out but first must go drop my ballot and run a couple of errands. If I forget, remind me please.
Sunstruck US 4 and Knitter’s Pride US 17 just because it’s absurd to put them together.
Lol awesome Thank you, dear.
Wishing you a wonderful, happy 50th birthday. You’re still young!