Hiya babeebk, n welcome to the party!:happydance:
K, what I have seen confuse more new knitters about this whole ribbing thing is worrying about what they did on the last row. "Do I purl the ones I knitted, or purl them or do I knit the ones I purled…etc."
K, here’s a kewl little trick for ya. Don’t worry what you knitted and purled on the previous row. Just concentrate on the New row as it faces you. Now for ribbing this works for any count, just knit the knits and purl the purls. So let’s say you ended with 2 purls on the last row. Now you’ve turned and those first stitches backs are now showing to you. They are now knit stitches. and the knit stitches you did on the last row, now you are seeing their backs and those are purls. Knit the v’s and purl the bumps. to the end.
Hope that helps!!:knitting: