Keep Knitting Regardless!

I’ve reread my own thread [B]“How to knit to 107yrs old+”[/B] a few times to encourage myself and keep me going. I feel about 110yrs old right now, but somehow I’ve managed to keep knitting so I figure I win.
:violin: Here goes…

It all started 3 weeks ago with the broken carpet sweeper…
then my oven broke, then hubby came home with a severe sore throat. Sore throat turned into the “real” flu. 2 weeks into it, with neither of us sleeping more than 2hrs a night and I got him to the Dr. Here you have to prove you are a few minutes from death to get a prescription for antibiotics. So…we left with the prescription and stopped off at the chemist to fill it. I got back in our “newish” car and it wouldn’t start. Wouldn’t even turn over. It’s minus 6C. The auto association we pay top fees to for recovery wouldn’t come out because they were busy with the other 25,0000 - yes, that’s what they said! 25,0000 call outs that day. I guess sick people and invalids are a low priority. :mad:

We [I]walked[/I] to the closest garage. They kindly gave us a drive home, :hug:then had a look at it the next day, but hey, it’s under warranty to the dealer which is 30 miles away and it needs to be towed there. Finally next day the auto people send a tow.

That morning I had my shower. It sparked, blew up and caught fire with me right in there. :shock: Plumber came on an [I]emergency[/I] (?) call out [B]6 hrs[/B] later, but it was the end of the day now and he couldn’t really be bothered to finish the job. Stuck a spare shower on the wall crooked and it wouldn’t work but he had a play to go to so left with a few suggestions about who else we could call. That’s when we discovered he’d left the water running in our other unfinished bathroom and left the unprotected surfaces soaked. :hair:

Meanwhile the mice have come in and we are dealing with the infestation while the moles tear up our lawn. Then one of my rescue greyhounds got loose in the fields and got herself thru the barbed wire fencing into the local stoneworks. When we found her she’d ripped off her back pad and was gushing like Old Faithful. Out with the “greyhound repair kit” (yes, we have one, an absolute necessity!). Let’s see…oh yes, later that night the video broke just in time for me to get the nerve up to phone my mum in law to tell her that Christmas has been cancelled. Hubby is still sick and I am on my knees. I finally got out the other day to do some much needed food shopping and started to drive down the [I]wrong side of the road![/I] :eyes: I think I might be tired…

So how, I ask myself did I [I]ever[/I] manage to knit an earflap hat and start Knitting Guy’s beanie thru all that?? :knitting:

Maybe the water really is good here!

I’d [U][I][B]love to hear how your Christmas preparations are going…[/B][/I][/U].share a little of your joy around, some of us could use a smile and a giggle to help us through!

… And you’ll have improvements from now on!:knitting:

If you hadn’t been knitting as a stress relief, you probably wouldn’t have gotten through all that. Wow, i really hope things turn around soon for you.


Knitting works wonders, doesn’t it?

Really sorry about all of your troubles. It really could be worse, but I’d rather not go into that right now.

Just out of curiosity, how did your shower catch fire?

Yeah, that caught my attention too!!

KnitKnot: So sorry to hear about all that… it just doesn’t seem right one person should have so many things happen at one time!!

Sorry, I don’t have a cute or funny story to share… having a rough one myself! And haven’t knitted a stitch in 2 days… had to frog what I did manage to get in on Friday! ugh! Am hoping to get in some quality time tomorrow!


Thanks for your good wishes friends.
You are right, it could be worse and there is a lot to be thankful for…like not being turned into bacon in the shower cubicle! :rofl:
Yes, the shower did catch fire. It’s an electric power shower, perhaps more common here in the UK than in America where water pressure generally is strong enough off the water system to give you a good shower without a boost.
Apparently what happened isn’t as uncommon as I thought, although I would rather have found that out by word of mouth than by experience! Kind of worrying though as electricity and water apparently don’t mix wel…:wink:
Getting my perspective sorted out, still knitting that beanie and grateful that I learned so much here this year that I can keep those fingers flying.
Best wishes & thanks to everyone for listening to my moaning - it helped just to be able to tell someone.
[U][B]Merry Christmas![/B][/U]

This almost sounds like a column that Erma Bombeck would have written! Our preparations have been going smoothly, not that we do much anyway. We are major laid back about the holidays and celebrate a secular holiday. My Big Event is an annual chat with my “sisters,” ladies I have known online for the past 7 or so years. We do a gift exchange and then get together as close to the solstice as our individual family schedules allow. We pour a glass of wine or a hot cuppa and take turns opening our present that we got from one of our “sisters” I look forward to this chat every year. This year my partner was from Canada and sent a bunch of Cranberry things (soap, candies, tea) some maple sugar cookies, a calendar and a box of crackers for our dinner tomorrow night (crackers being the British crackers that you pop open and wear funny hats and have gifts inside!) Of course I sent my partner a pidge-like thing that I knit.


oh what an awful time you have had. plumbers in the uk are blooming awful aren’t they. you waited 6 hoursm thats actually not to bad being honest (my family are builders, so know all about flipping plumbers lol).
setting fire to the shower, not a sensible thing to do hehe. scary though i bet.

poor hubby having real flu. good though that your gp dosen’t just give out antibiotics willy nilly, you know they will work that way and not have an imunity to them. hope he’s feeling better for tomorrow.

oh the flipping car, i hope you told your top up insueres where to go with that stupid excuse, by curiosity who do you use, i’m moving to wales in the summer and need to get (obviously) ,car insurance when i move back to the uk, just so i know not to use them!!

so far for me its been manic. we are renovating our house around us, so its a living hell. we have no hot water in the main end of the house (typically where the kitchen etc is), so cooking will take longer than it should do, and its freezing there. the end i am living in with 21 animals 4 adults and a 4 year old is lovley ad warm (should be with that much body heat lol). i took in 6 feral kittens the other day. 1 escaped and i haven’t seen him since. he’s had 1 night out alone, if he made that i ould be so amazed if he lives another. he’s about 5 weeks old and so tiny. so kinda heart broken over him, but still have 5 other monsters to add to the ever expanding animals list lol.
the hores needed the vet yet again, so its a flipping expensive time.
the water to the washing machiene pipe froze then burst, so not washing lachiene. i am trying to wash everyhing by hand. another fun task lol. and that won’t sort until the weather gets better when that part of the house is usable again. ontop of tht

oh what an awful time you have had. plumbers in the uk are blooming awful aren’t they. you waited 6 hoursm thats actually not to bad being honest (my family are builders, so know all about flipping plumbers lol).
setting fire to the shower, not a sensible thing to do hehe. scary though i bet.

poor hubby having real flu. good though that your gp dosen’t just give out antibiotics willy nilly, you know they will work that way and not have an imunity to them. hope he’s feeling better for tomorrow.

oh the flipping car, i hope you told your top up insueres where to go with that stupid excuse, by curiosity who do you use, i’m moving to wales in the summer and need to get (obviously) ,car insurance when i move back to the uk, just so i know not to use them!!

so far for me its been manic. we are renovating our house around us, so its a living hell. we have no hot water in the main end of the house (typically where the kitchen etc is), so cooking will take longer than it should do, and its freezing there. the end i am living in with 21 animals 4 adults and a 4 year old is lovley ad warm (should be with that much body heat lol). i took in 6 feral kittens the other day. 1 escaped and i haven’t seen him since. he’s had 1 night out alone, if he made that i ould be so amazed if he lives another. he’s about 5 weeks old and so tiny. so kinda heart broken over him, but still have 5 other monsters to add to the ever expanding animals list lol.
the hores needed the vet yet again, so its a flipping expensive time.
the water to the washing machiene pipe froze then burst, so not washing lachiene. i am trying to wash everyhing by hand. another fun task lol. and that won’t sort until the weather gets better when that part of the house is usable again. ontop of that

This is so lovely to read, we are all having good times & bad times and trying times, but we are all still here knitting, talking and sharing.
I just loved what [B]Knitcook[/B] does with her online ladies. What a treat!
No one here in Scotland would have misunderstood about the crackers, there is no tradition of eating Ritz under the tree here! :rofl:
[B]Susi[/B], I’m with you all the way honey, we are in the middle of renovations too. The fact that they’ve been going on for the last 4 yrs and every tradesman we’ve employed has either let us down, done a duff job, or just plain failed to show up has left us living in a broken down old country heap. It sounds like you are struggling but still caring for your dependent animals and everyone else. Good show girl! I am a complete wimp so doing without hot water would do me in. You have my admiration especially at this time of year.
[B]Ritaw[/B], hug received and most welcome. Give yourself one too!