I’ve reread my own thread [B]“How to knit to 107yrs old+”[/B] a few times to encourage myself and keep me going. I feel about 110yrs old right now, but somehow I’ve managed to keep knitting so I figure I win.
Here goes…
It all started 3 weeks ago with the broken carpet sweeper…
then my oven broke, then hubby came home with a severe sore throat. Sore throat turned into the “real” flu. 2 weeks into it, with neither of us sleeping more than 2hrs a night and I got him to the Dr. Here you have to prove you are a few minutes from death to get a prescription for antibiotics. So…we left with the prescription and stopped off at the chemist to fill it. I got back in our “newish” car and it wouldn’t start. Wouldn’t even turn over. It’s minus 6C. The auto association we pay top fees to for recovery wouldn’t come out because they were busy with the other 25,0000 - yes, that’s what they said! 25,0000 call outs that day. I guess sick people and invalids are a low priority. :mad:
We [I]walked[/I] to the closest garage. They kindly gave us a drive home, then had a look at it the next day, but hey, it’s under warranty to the dealer which is 30 miles away and it needs to be towed there. Finally next day the auto people send a tow.
That morning I had my shower. It sparked, blew up and caught fire with me right in there. :shock: Plumber came on an [I]emergency[/I] (?) call out [B]6 hrs[/B] later, but it was the end of the day now and he couldn’t really be bothered to finish the job. Stuck a spare shower on the wall crooked and it wouldn’t work but he had a play to go to so left with a few suggestions about who else we could call. That’s when we discovered he’d left the water running in our other unfinished bathroom and left the unprotected surfaces soaked. :hair:
Meanwhile the mice have come in and we are dealing with the infestation while the moles tear up our lawn. Then one of my rescue greyhounds got loose in the fields and got herself thru the barbed wire fencing into the local stoneworks. When we found her she’d ripped off her back pad and was gushing like Old Faithful. Out with the “greyhound repair kit” (yes, we have one, an absolute necessity!). Let’s see…oh yes, later that night the video broke just in time for me to get the nerve up to phone my mum in law to tell her that Christmas has been cancelled. Hubby is still sick and I am on my knees. I finally got out the other day to do some much needed food shopping and started to drive down the [I]wrong side of the road![/I] I think I might be tired…
So how, I ask myself did I [I]ever[/I] manage to knit an earflap hat and start Knitting Guy’s beanie thru all that?? :knitting:
Maybe the water really is good here!
I’d [U][I][B]love to hear how your Christmas preparations are going…[/B][/I][/U].share a little of your joy around, some of us could use a smile and a giggle to help us through!