K2tbl, P2

I am starting a hat pattern (in cashmere) that calls for a K2tbl, P2 and repeat to the end of the round, continuing for 1 1/25".

Is this a decrease stitch where I am knitting 2 tog through the back loop, or is it K1 through the back loop 2 times and then purl?

This is Renae’s Hat on Ravelry

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated-


I think it means k1tbl, k1tbl because it’s not k2togtbl. Should there be decreases at this point in the pattern? It doesn’t have an increase to balance the decrease. To me it reads as 2x2 rib with twisted knit stitches.


I’d be inclined to agree with GrumpyGramma, that you knit the next 2 stitches through the back loop, individually, then purl the 3rd.

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GrumpyGramma and Shintoga,
You are the best; I was hoping for an answer by the time I came back from my walk, and you guys came through, as usual!

Thank you,