
Hi. I have been looking for a pattern for a teenage boys jumper. I want a cable pattern. I just can’t seem to find one. They are either for boys or men. Can anyone help please?

I also notice that patterns are often for little boys or grown men and not the tweens.

What age or size do you need because I think there is a wide range of sizes of boy teenagers.

There’s a drops pattern up to age 14 years

This one covers from age 2 to men/women xxl

There are a few free drops patterns for up to age 14, if you need larger though I think you’ll be looking at a small adult size and go by the measurements given to choose which size to make.

Hope this helps, not sure what type of cable you want.

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Thank you for the quick responce. My Grandson is 14

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Yes, I think at 14 years old it’s best to get a chest measurement (and maybe check length and arms too) to help decide which size to make. 14 year olds vary a great deal in size.

Thank you.

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