Hi, I’m new here and relatively new to knitting as well. I was taught to knit as a kid but only recently picked it back up after a long hiatus. I’ve just started a project and looked everywhere I can think of and can’t find an answer, so I’m hoping someone here can help me!
I’m knitting a hat in the round with jogless stripes (I’ve been using the “twist yarn and slip first stitch of second row, purl wise” method). The only issue for me is how to work the K2TOG decrease, which always coincides with the color change.
According to the pattern, I’m to knit the first two stitches of the row together to decrease, then knit to the last two stitches and SSK. How do I do this with the jogless stripes? Do I slip the first stitch purl wise and then knit the next two stitches together? Do I slip the first stitch purl wise and then transfer it BACK to my left needle and then knit two together? Is there another method I’m not aware of for this?
Thank you all so much!