I am frustrated with this rug, and I am done with frogging! I am wondering if I am bad at counting, or if there is an error in the pattern?
I started row 29 with 112 like it says, but at the end of row 29, I have 126 instead of 128- is this correct, or is it just me? should I retry this row (I already took it out once, but maybe I need to again- I suck at counting!)
Rnd 28: Knit – 112 sts.
Rnd 29 (Inc): * K13, YO, k1, YO; repeat
from * around to last st, end k1 – 128 sts.
Is there a pattern error here?
It says to knit the last stitch, which will give me 126, and if I yarn over, before last stitch, I will have 127- this is the third time restitching! I can’t be that bad at counting!
What are the directions for the next row?
The repeat is requires 14sts. That’s 8 repeats in 112sts.
When you calculate the added sts due to the yo (2 per repeat), that’s 16sts for a sum of 128.
But the pattern says to end with k1. If you make the last repeat K13,YO, k1 (i.e. not working the last yo) that’s 127. You might contact the designer. There aren’t any projects posted yet on Ravelry.
It’s worth checking the row by saying the names of the sts as you count, the k13, the yo, k1, yo. Maybe you are inadvertently missing a yo?
It might help to put in markers as you count just to maintain sanity.
Thanks! It wasn’t just me! I sent the designer a message- and it was an error, it was supposed to end with the yarn over making 128 stitches. I had previously gotten further along in this pattern and frogged the whole thing, because I inadvertently miscounted, and had 143 stitches instead of 144 and it was likely because of miscounting this row- so thanks for the advice to contact the designer!
In row 29 you should have 8 repeats of 16 st ea = 128. Each of the repeats is the same, except the last one which ends with k1 INSTEAD of the yo. Use markers between each repeat and make sure you have 16 st for each repeat on row 29.