Invisible picking?


I am currently knitting a jumper and I started knitting the front panel without having the back panel, that I had previously finished, with me, and I now realised that I haven’t knitted yet 1x1 band at the same length… one is 0.5mm longer, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to pick those bottom stock up and ad a row or two to make it longer, but without seeing where I picked them up? And if so, how?
Thank you in advance!
I am so happy to have actually joined a knitting forum it has been on my mind…!

Welcome to KH!
There is a way to cut the yarn edge and work down from there. You might also consider a split hem where the back is a bit longer than the front?

See especially after 6 minutes in the second video. The offset stitch is going to be a problem with ribbing. You might want to start knitting down from the join of ribbing to the main body of the sweater so that all the ribbing is new.

And of course, trying this out on a swatch is a very good idea.

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Did you mean 0.5cm?

You could possibly ease the seam and it may not be noticeable once you block the jumper.

For instance, if your bands are 10cm deep and 9.5cm deep, that’s only a 5% difference.

If th bands are smaller, then the difference may be noticeable and the reknitting/grafting option would be best.

Hope it works out!


Hello! Thank you!

The band is meant to be 5cm, for some reason I got confused on how to read my tape measurer… it was quite late at night… I should have stopped knitting before that aha
But yeah which is why I was worried as it will potentially be showing abit more over that small surface, even more since I’m knitting with 2 DK yarn with 5mm needles… but thank you again!

Thank you!
That is probably the way to go yes!
I will give it a go over the next few days and I’ll let you know how it went!


Yes, it might show in a 5cm band. I read tape measures wrong too! (Either that or my knitting changes shape …)

I have cut off a too-short ribbed band before. I knitted it a bit longer, then grafted it back onto the body.

What stitch is the body of your garment in? It’s ideal to graft with a stockinette row if possible. You can graft a ribbing or a patterned row, but it is fiddly.

It worked!
I realised that since I did the band with a different colour as the body, so I just cut it off where the band was stopping, picked the stitches there then knitted the band again!
And the jumper turned great!
Tha no you for the help! x


Good for you! It’s a daring thing to cut your knitting but you did it.