Introduction: Hi! my name is elliot

Idk if i should put an introduction here but hi! my name is elliot and I am a crocheter. I am hoping to make friends!! <3


Hi Elliot Welcomee to the forum! I get lost in the crochet terms and directions so I do not crochet but I do knit. I taught myself to knit while I was in highschool in the 1970’s. I recently lost my oldestson Todd a year ago. He was just 46 years old. He died from an upper respitatory infection and complications of his dialysis treatment.

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I understand. And i am so sorry that happened to you. :frowning_face:

I am not great at crochet, more of a knitter, we are very glad to have more crocheters around here though.

What project are you working on just now? We like seeing work in progress or maybe something you recently finished if you like to share.

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on a scarf