I will be starting to knit under the sleeves on my jumper. My pattern asks me to increase 5 x 1 stitch on both sides, every 2 rows.
What is the best way to do this, right at the beginning or a few stitches away from the edge? Thank you for your help and advice !
Increasing on both sides
Whenever possible I avoid an increase or decrease on the edge. IMHO it’s just nicer. Also, if you’re seaming then it makes seaming so much better!
It’s very common to increase 2 stitches from the edge. As Grumpy Gramma says, it’s easier to seam later.
I have just found out that I have one stitch too many on my needles. What would be the best way to correct this?
Miss one increase on one side or knit 2 together after a few stitches at the beginning of a new row or wait to arrive to the neckline and knit 3 together instead of 2 to start the v neck? Thank you for your help !
I think I’d go ahead and decrease the extra stitch out. I think a k3tog might show at the neckline but not be noticed elsewhere.
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Thank you for this
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