I'm a beginner and I made a mistake please help me figure out how to fix it.


I am trying to knit a beanie flat based on a you tube video. It’s my first project and it’s a ribbed pattern. I know the pattern right now is just starting each row with two knits then alternating between knits and purls and then finishing each row with two purls. It’s pretty straight forward but something went wrong and I’m struggling to identify the problem. I learned how to undo a row a stich at time and have been able to move to where the problem is. I’ve taken and attached a picture of what I am looking at since it doesn’t look as straight forward as simply having knitted instead of purling. It looks like I either lost or added or tangled up a loop. Everything before and after looks alright. I’m really hoping someone with more experience can help me figure out the problem and how to fix it.

Thank you so much for any advice and help I super appreciate it and hope you all have a blessed evening!

Welcome to the forum!
You’re knitting looks very nice and even.
It may be that the two-stranded stitches are due to not completely dropping the old stitch off the left needle in the last step of knits or purls. Keep working back (tinking) to remove those stitches.
When you reknit them make sure that the yarn strand isn’t getting caught twice in each stitch and that you completely drop the old stitch off the left needle.
If that doesn’t help come back and ask again. I’m sure there will be other helpful suggestions too.

I was just wondering if you are knitting with a single strand of yarn or a double strand? It looks to me like some of the stitches are double strand, have you checked them? It may just been hard for me to see on the photo. I wonder if you might have gone OVER your needle instead of BETWEEN the needles when switching the yarn position between knit and purl.

You have already had great advice on how to work back past this bit. Good luck.

Black yarn and my old eyes needs I must zoom in and trace the rows.

Green for the new row (3)
Yellow for the previous row (2)
Red was the row before yellow row (1)

I think the missed “yellow” stitch of row 2 is behind the “red” knit of row 1.

If I see the yarn paths in the correctly then I think you have a missed knit in row 2 on your left needle.

Move the red marked stitch to the right needle and slip the yellow marked wool yo the back (as a missed stutch).
Now slip the stitch back to the left needle and work a knit stitch using the missed yellow marked wool.
Slip the new stitch back to the left needle.
(Repair complete)
The last stitch on the right is a purl.
Resume your k1, p1 pattern with your working yarn.

Let us know the name of the pattern or the video link you are following.

Let me know if I misread the stitches you have in your image.

Good luck and strong light with your fix :sparkles:


Thank you so much for your help!!! I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t fully sure what you were saying but your picture and your step by step instructions helped me so much and now I think it is fixed! I don’t know how you could see that as even with you explanation I was not really seeing it but again I think it is fixed now! So thank you for your kindness and advice! I hope you have a blessed rest of your day!


I don’t know how to knit with a double strand so I think its just a single strand… Thank you for your care and advice!! I think it is fixed now! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your welcomingness (not thinking that is a real word) and your kind advice! I think it is fixed now :slight_smile: I super appreciate your willingness to help me out!

Great to hear that you’re back on track.
Offjumpsjack did some amazing working out there eh!
I love this site.