I am trying to knit a beanie flat based on a you tube video. It’s my first project and it’s a ribbed pattern. I know the pattern right now is just starting each row with two knits then alternating between knits and purls and then finishing each row with two purls. It’s pretty straight forward but something went wrong and I’m struggling to identify the problem. I learned how to undo a row a stich at time and have been able to move to where the problem is. I’ve taken and attached a picture of what I am looking at since it doesn’t look as straight forward as simply having knitted instead of purling. It looks like I either lost or added or tangled up a loop. Everything before and after looks alright. I’m really hoping someone with more experience can help me figure out the problem and how to fix it.
Thank you so much for any advice and help I super appreciate it and hope you all have a blessed evening!