Is the YO a knit YO? And does the psso 2 knit sts mean slip k, knit, psso twice or slip k, knit 2 and psso?
I need help on knit 5, YO, sl 1 pwise, k2, psso 2 knit sts
What pattern are you making?
This series of stitches makes 1 with the yarn over and decreases 1 with the slipped stitch passing over 2 stitches and off the needle.
The YO is only moving the yarn from the back to in front. Bring the yarn between the needles as though you were going to purl but do not purl, do not knit. Yo doesn’t use a stitch up. So, no, it is not a knit YO it is just YO.
Keep the yarn in front and slip 1 stitch purlwise from the left needle to the right needle, that’s point to point on the needles. Again this does not involve working a stitch, only slipping it. No other stitch is involved (not slip knit).
Then knit 2 stitches.
Then lift the stitch that was slipped, up and over the 2 worked stitches, use the left needle to lift it over the 2 stitches and off the right needle.
On the right needle you will have a yarn over (strand just going over the needle) and 2 knit stitches.
It’s worth putting some markers on your needle while you practise this to check you use the correct number and end up ith the correct number.
YO, sl1 p-wise, k2, psso 2 knit stitches
This starts with 3 stitches and results in 3 stitches (or 2 sts and a YO) so place marker before and after 3 sts to check you do not use more stitches than this.
Or, if you want to include the k5
K5, YO, sl1 p-wise, k2, psso 2 knit stitches
Place markers before and after 8 stitches to ensure you use 8 and result in 8.
Some videos show a YO being followed by a jnit stitch, or a slipped stitch being followed by a knit stitch, but YO and slip are isolated instructions.
Hope this helps
Thank you! My mom was an avid (English) knitter and taught me basics years ago. I forgot most of it and am trying to learn again. I tried videos, but most are continental and I struggle with purling, so I stayed English.
When attempting this series of stitches, all I was getting was decreases. I think my YO were incorrect.
This is a simple pattern to get skills built, and I was so frustrated. Thank you!
No need to stay frustrated, just ask whenever you need to and you’ll get back into your knitting. It’s so helpful having this forum to ask big and small questions and get some tips and feedback.