My brother and his girlfriend are expecting this month and I would like to find a cute sweater pattern I have been on kpc but nothing really jumped out at me.
I need a cute baby girl sweater pattern
ez’s february baby sweater is adorable. it’s done on 2 needles, and you only have to seam the underarm.
Where could I find that pattern?
I made the Crystal Palace Bunny Hop kimono for my friend’s daughter and it came out great. Rather that a tie I used a snap and sewed a knitted flower to the outside. HTH
I made this one and it came out really cute.
A few cute ones I’ve seen on Ravelry (all free patterns):
Thanks so much for all of the ideas!
I made this sweater for my niece…it was actually my first sweater. I made it in pink with cute little buttons and its very girlie. There’s also lots of cute sweater pattern on Lion Brand’s website, here’s a list.
You should check out the baby kimono in the Mason Dixon Knitting book. I made it for my daughter and it was so cute and easy to make. I would send you a picture, but I am at work. Good luck!
I have also buy some gifts for the upcoming babies but their most of error occur is of size problems as the product is represented very good through making videos and than make it attractive through video editing, So i recommend to buy by visiting near markets.
Anything my Marianna Mel is super cute. Very easy to follow instructions. All her patterns are free.