I’m following a pattern for a sleeveless sweater called ZAP by Martin Storey. I’ve arrived at the back neck and shoulder shaping part, and I’m completely lost.
Before this, I had to cast off a few stitches to decrease and I arrived at 20 stitches, following a slipped-stitch rib pattern.
But then there’s a stitch holder involved in the instructions and I don’t understand when I’m supposed to put them back on my needles. I’m also confused by the “slip next 16 stitches, rejoin yarn and pattern to the end” part.
I’ll attach the full pattern (first two pictures) and the part that confuses me (third picture).
Could anyone explain this to me like I’m five please? I’m so confused
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I’m struggling with instructions for shoulder shaping
Don’t fret, some one will certainly be able to help with this.
Not sure if it’s just me but I can’t access the images, really we can’t post large portions of patterns any way due to copy right.
Could you type the row or two that you are stuck on please?
Stitches on hold may be for shoulder shaping or for the neck rib edging, it probably says somewhere later on what to do with those stitches. Have you read ahead to see if it mentions the stitches on hold?
Slipping stitches sounds like it could be for the neck and if you have 20 stitches and are to slip 16 then rejoin yarn and patt to end you will be working just the last 4 stitches of that row, maybe the left shoulder shaping perhaps?
We can help figure it out. One bit at a time.
(It would be a very precocious 5 year old who could follow a knitting pattern - kost of us grown up people get stumped)
Hi, thank you so much !
Here is the bit that is giving me trouble:
(I have 20 sts)
- (RS): Cast off 1 st, patt 1 st on RH needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a stitch holder.
- *Next row (WS): Dec 0 st at neck edge, patt to end. 1 st.
- Next row: patt to end.
Cast of rem sts. ** - With RS facing, slip next 16 sts, rejoin yarn and patt to end. 2 sts.
Cast off rem sts. - Rep from * to **, reversing shapings to match first side.
I guess I’m confused because if patt concerns the one stitch I have left, it would make a sort of weird long string (?) and I don’t understand where this is going. The info about putting the different parts together doesn’t explain a lot, it says “join right shoulder seam using back stitch, or mattress stitch if preferred”.
I told myself it was a specific technique for shoulder shaping, so I tried to look up videos on it but they all seemed to use very different techniques.
Maybe I understood wrong? I guess it would help to know which stitches they are talking about haha.
Thank you so much for your time!
There’s a mistake in the pattern.
You have 2sts, 16sts which will eventually be slipped and then 2sts. In order to cast off one stitch you need to use the first 2sts (work 2, lift the first over the second). Turn, (WS) work the single stitch in pattern, turn to the RS and work the single stitch again in pattern. Fasten off. This means cut the yarn leaving about a 6 inch tail and pull the tail through the stitch.
Slip the next 16 sts to the right hand needle, join a new end of yarn again leaving about a 6 inch tail to weave in later and then follow the pattern directions.
The directions for the sets of 2 sts have different numbers of rows but I can’t tell if there’s a reason for that of if that is another error.
There’s one project on Ravelry and the knitter mentions errors in the pattern. You could message the knitter or contact Rowan support which was apparently responsive and helpful.