I love Knitting!

I love Knitting!
Its just been a year since I taught myself how to Knit and Purl while watching Youtube tutorials.
It wasnt Easy! Lots of frustrations and more

encouragements. Im so glad I did it!
Now, I cannot put my needles down!

My very first project was my Husband’s cowl in Garter stitch. He said He is going to Frame it😊



My Daughter’s Cardigan & Mittens



You are a knitter! Yes someone should have warned you that it is addictive. So relaxing and stress-relieving. And in the end you have beautiful projects finished.
All yours are lovely and your progress is amazing. Well done. There is no stopping you.


Wow amazing for one year. I also have been knitting a year. Started with scarves, have done one child’s sweater and just finished my first pair of socks. Just started a baby sweater. The hand warmers look quite detailed. I did a lace scarf ( took forever). I keep pushing to try new things. I want to do some color work. So far have only used self striping, kind of a cheat. But I do find it relaxing as salmonMac said. Anyway congrats on your progress.


Thank you! Thank you for your help and encouragement @salmonmac K2tog and SSK really helped😊

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Thank you @KnittinGigi and Congratulations!
Keep knitting!

These are my daily questions to myself:
Knitting? or Cleaning the house? :rofl:
I usually do my knitting first and then clean the house before my hubby comes home🥰

Someone should have warned me that Knitting is so addictive that my Knitting needles will always be burning😂


Yep have the same battle. Different days, different battles. Today the valentine cookie decorating is going to have to win, to be done before I pick up my granddaughter from school. (get most done and save some for her to do). But hopefully get to some knitting at some point today. I’m trying to cut down on time to complete a project. I’m not super fast but it’s not a race, right? But thanks for the encouragement!

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Great fun and rather adictive isn’t it? My grandmother taught me to knit throwing yarn. I learned everything else myself – now can knit three different ways yarn right, yarn left hand front or back. Helps when doing color work.


I’ve been thinking about learning continental style. It seems people think it’s easier to do color work. I’m pretty much self taught. Learned basics years ago and didn’t ever finish anything, but now with more time I have picked it up again and thoroughly addicted. I will say now with U tube, there are so many resources to learn new things and you can do it at your own pace and when the time suits. You don’t have to go to a scheduled class and can learn in your own environment (which is wonderful with all the issues going on at this time).


Well done - beautiful projects, I particularly like the mittens.

I too have only been knitting again for about 8 months - I agree it’s addictive and ., expensive!!! I’ve become a shopaholic I think.

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It’s very relaxing. The needles move in the same way over and over again, which takes away any stress. A simple or complicated knitting project can be as simple or as complicated as I want it to be. I like to keep it simple enough so that I can be fully immersed in the work but not so much that it is stressful. I sometimes come up with ideas for my own projects, which is a lot of fun.