I keep starting components and getting stuck with something - there are no classes or anything where I live…
First query - My pattern says - “keep continuity of patt set and continue until it measures 5cm from cast on edge”. YAY - it says where to measure to, but it doesn’t say anything about when you stop - 5cm dead on, or as close to it as possible when you finish a pattern repeat?? (Pattern is 8 rows).
Second query - next line on from above - Cast off four stitches at beg of next 2 rows.
Next row K2, sl1, K1 etc - does it mean cast off 4 and carry on with K2, sl1, K2 etc??
It works for ghe first row casting off four but I havent then got enough stitches for the next row…
I may have picked complex knitting which I am happy to do - I just need a degree in pattern reading to enable me
I have picked a very pretty cardigan to make - but I cant seem to attach a picture…