I just cannot read and decipher what it says….

I keep starting components and getting stuck with something - there are no classes or anything where I live…

First query - My pattern says - “keep continuity of patt set and continue until it measures 5cm from cast on edge”. YAY - it says where to measure to, but it doesn’t say anything about when you stop - 5cm dead on, or as close to it as possible when you finish a pattern repeat?? (Pattern is 8 rows).

Second query - next line on from above - Cast off four stitches at beg of next 2 rows.
Next row K2, sl1, K1 etc - does it mean cast off 4 and carry on with K2, sl1, K2 etc??

It works for ghe first row casting off four but I havent then got enough stitches for the next row…:sob:

I may have picked complex knitting which I am happy to do - I just need a degree in pattern reading to enable me :slightly_smiling_face:

I have picked a very pretty cardigan to make - but I cant seem to attach a picture…

oh - it worked!! Shape armhole is where the query 2 comes from

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Measure the 5cm (or as resonably close as you can get) from the cast on edge. You’ll be eating into the pattern stitches eventually anyway. No need to work a full pattern repeat.
Then work across one RS row in pattern. Cast off 4sts at the beginning of the next row (WS row). You’ll have to look at which pattern row you are on and make sure to align the pattern of yarn overs if called for with previous rows (reading your knitting).
On the following row, work in pattern to the last 4sts, k2tog, k2. You won’t be able to work the pattern rows precisely as given at the beginning of the Right Front because of the change in stitch number but you’ll be able to keep to the pattern by aligning any yfwds with previous rows.

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What’s the name/designer of your very pretty cardigan? I’m always in search of a nice cardi pattern!

Looks like this one:


Too complicated for me, I can knit ok but csnt read the damn patterns!!

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Pattern-reading is a separate skill and needs to be developed, just like knitting! It’s quite helpful to go through and circle the numbers for the size you’re working. And maybe also write out the extra rows, where it says “rep last 2 rows 2 [3] times more”, so you can tick them off as you do them (each repeat will decrease by one stitch). I also find it can help to read the pattern aloud.