I can’t figure out the stitch count on a pattern (new knitter)

I’m fairly new to knitting and I am following the Sirdar 3957 pattern making the round neck sweater in the 4th size. The pattern builds up to 67sts then down to 63sts before asking me to

Work 42 rows de 1 st (as before) at each end of 3rd and every foll 4th row. 33 sts.

After reading it over and over again I can still only see myself ending up with 43sts not 33. Has anyone done this same pattern that can possibly help me?

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It looks like an error in the pattern. Read further in the pattern and see if this is just an interim mistake in the stitch number. If so the rest of the directions should be consistent with 43sts rather than 33.

Thank you so much for your reply! :blush: The pattern does seem to continue as if I am suppose to have only the 33 stitches on my needle.
The only way I can think of working it so I get the 33sts is if I include the 2nd row decrease with every alternate decease it’s already asking for?

If there’s a schematic with the pattern see if the 42 rows makes sense with the length for this portion of the sweater maybe from the armhole bind off to part way up the front probably to the front neck shaping.
42 rows should be about 4" judging from the row gauge. If 4" makes sense then yes, make the decreases more frequently.
How does this measure up to the back of the sweater? Is the rate of decrease similar? The back can be a guide since eventually front and back will match up with the raglan sleeves.

One other place to check is the initial 67sts. Is that correct? Has there been an armhole bind off? Just a thought.