Humpty Dumpty

Dear friends,


Knitted Nursery Rhymes

by Sarah Keen.


Arms and Gloved Hands.

Row 18.

K4, m1, k5, m1, k4 (15sts)

Row 19.

P10, turn

Row 20.


I have gotten this far.

I don’t understand the following instructions:

Break yarn and thread thru these 5 stitches, pull tight and secure by threading yarn a second time thru stitches, then join Row ends of thumb.

Rejoin yarn to WS of remaining stitches halfway along Row and p to end.

Push remaining stitches together and work 2 rows in st st. (10 stitches).

Row 23.

K1, (k2tog, k1) to end (7 stitches).

Thread yarn thru stitches on needle, pull tight and secure…

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you.


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You’ve been working short rows and have 15sts total on the needles. The middle 5sts are the ones the bolded directions are referring to. Cut the yarn end leaving about 6-8inches. Thread onto a tapestry needle and then through these 5sts to gather them up. You can take the tapestry needle through a second time if you wish.
When you purled 10sts on row 19 you left 5sts on the left hand needle. Attach a new end of yarn to these sts at the place where you turned (purl side facing) and purl to the end (5sts). Work 2 rows in stockinette by then knitting across these 5 and the 5sts on the other side of the sts you gathered together. The sts you gathered will stick out like a sore thumb and possibly that’s what they are!

Hi Mod Squad,

Thank you. Yes, this is a thumb! I will give it a try.

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I just finished row 19. I have 10 stitches on right needle and 5 on left needle.

I am still confused on what to do next.

Do I turn the work?

Then knit 5 of the those 10 stitches?

Not sure what 5 stitches to pull yarn through

This is what I am looking at after completing row 19.

Pull the yarn strand through the blue circled sts in the photo below. That’s the 5sts you just purled. Then reattach the new yarn strand at the red arrow and purl to the end of row.

Hello @Peggycoldfoot and @salmonmac
Sorry about butting in.
I think peggycoldfoot is correct that at this point after working the purl on row 19 the next step is to turn the work, k5 for Row 20, then break yarn and thread through the centre 5 sts just knitted.

The yarn is then rejoined on the WS to the 5 stitches which were left unworked, marked in red on salmonmacs marked up photo.

If the yarn is pulled through now the thumb will be 1 Row shorter than expected.
Hope this helps and does not cause confusion.

Yes, you’re both right. I was looking at which 5sts to pull the yarn through and it will be the circled sts but after row 20 is completed. Thanks for picking up on that Creations.

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Thank you dear friends. I will give that a try. You have both been very patient and kind.


Not at all. We’re just hoping to see a photo of the finished Mr. Dumpty when you finish!

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Hi again,

I did it!

Here is the picture. Once I put all the pieces together I will send you both a picture.

I would be lost if I did not have this Forum to go to.

Thank you.


Looks great. I’ve never made a stuffed toy, seems too fiddly for me. I’m glad you managed to figure out that thumb.

Excellent! I’m working a pattern for Hobbes (of Calvin and Hobbes) and it has a similar design at the hands (er, paws).

Thank you. I have been making stuffed animals because I cannot figure out the gage process to make clothes. And I have not learned to use the circular needles.

Have a happy day.

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I only makes clothes, toys seem too hard!
Working a gauge swatch is not hard, there are some great video tutorials and we can talk you through it if you decide to make a sweater. Sweaters can be made flat, no need for circulars if you don’t fancy learning or buying a set. I like knitting flat.

Thank you. I will keep that in mind.