How to yarn over before and after slip2 k1 psso

I I am an experienced knitter making a ’ lots of love’ baby blanket. It seemed simple at first! Now I am confused because while purling along a row I need to do a yarn over followed by a slip two, knit one psso,then another yarn over. I am not sure how to treat the yawn over because of the slip two knit one psso in between. Should it be treated as between a knit and a pearl Passover?

Basically there is a yarn over between a purl and a knit stitch. Then there’s a yarnover between a knit and a purl. The thing to consider is where the yarn strand is.
After the purl stitch the yarn is in front. Take the yarn over the right needle to the back, slip 2, knit one, psso.
After the slip 2, knit 1, psso the yarn is in back. Take the yarn to the front between the needles, then over the right hand needle to the back and around between the needles again to the front to purl (sometimes called yrn, yarn round needle).

For the yrn see 0:50 seconds in the video.

Thank you! You explained that very well! I had already watched the video you sent,but just couldn’t get it in regards to my pattern.

The video was really to show the yarn over that involves taking the yarn around the needle between the knit and purl sts.
In your pattern you have the slipped sts which seem to complicate the steps. Work those sts of course but ignore them as best you can in moving the yarn strand to work the yarn overs. It may help to practice this on a small swatch, just so you can be sure to be able to distinguish the slipped sts from the yarn over. The pesky yarn over does tend to shift over those slipped sts.

You have been so helpful! I love this forum💕