Hi every one
I am a new member here , i registered here for getting help from you
I am working on a pattern and i found it [COLOR=“Red”]here[/COLOR]
and this part which i confused with it:
Change to larger needles and p the next row, dec 5(5-5-9-9-11) sts across – 89(101-113-
121-133-143) sts. Join CC and work even in Pat St until piece measures 4” from beg, end on WS.
Dec 1 st each end of next row, then every 1¼(1¼-1½-1¾-2-2¼)” twice more – 83(95-107-115-
127-137) sts. Work even until piece measures 8½(8½-9-9½-10-10½)” from beg, end on WS. Inc
1 st each end of next row, then every 1½” twice more – 89(101-113-121-133-143) sts. Work even
until piece measures 12½(12½-13-13½-14-14½)” from beg, end on WS.
i need to understand in details how to knit this part of patterns, i don’t understand is it one row or more ?
and from which direction to decrease ?
and what this mean [COLOR=“red”]dec 5(5-5-9-9-11) sts across – 89(101-113-
121-133-143) sts[/COLOR].?
please help me i am waiting you