How to tell Wrong side straight after casting on

Hi everyone me again lol

Please help!!! Onto the last side of my babies cardigan and all of a sudden I can’t see to be able to start on garter stitch on the wrong side! I’ve had to undo about six times now and am very frustrated lol. I do a long tail cast on and pattern wants me to start with a row of garter stitch starting on wrong side but I keep stuffing up. Have tried ti’s of what way casting tail is but it still came out in the right side eeekkk. It’s like my brain has just lost it all :cry:

Forgive me for obviously missing the point but usually garter stitch is all knit rows so whichever side you’re starting on will just be a knit row. The only way to do it differently that I’m aware of is to work the GS in purls rather than knits. What am I missing?


I think it may be because it goes straight into a pattern after the 5 rows of garter stitch.
So it’s cast on 33 stitches, knit 5 rows garter stitch (1st row is WS) that’s what the pattern says. However the first row of the pattern is a knit row., 2nd row purl

Putting a marker on the right side of your knitting might help.

What you’ve written from the patterns seems correct.

Cast on with long tail method. This leaves you ready to do a wrong side row.

Work five rows of garter:

  1. WS
  2. RS
  3. WS
  4. RS
  5. WS

You are now ready to work a RS row.

RS: Knit.
WS: Purl.

You are now doing stocking stitch, and that will reveal itself as you work a few more rows.

Edited to add: When you finish your garter stitch section, there will be three rows of garter bumps showing on the right side.


Did the front pattern specify to WS or RS for the first row?

What pattern are you using? A link would be great, the name of the pattern and of the designer would good.

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Longtail Cast On is a two row Stockinette Stitch start. If you read the stitches as they appear or as you make them.


  • The tail will be on the left of the RS.
  • The next row after cast on will be a WS row.

If you are working flat in garter stitch then after you turn you see purl bumps below the needle. Knit each row for garter stitch, but the cast on edge will have a St.St. curl. :frowning_face:

If you are joining in the round, then purl for garter stitch (with RS facing you for the join).

But I think you will still have that two row St.St cast on.

[Edit to remove “Reverse” from “Stockinette Stitch” in the first sentence.]