How to (successfully) increase stitches in a sleeve whilst following a pattern

Would someone be able to help me please, I am knitting a baby jacket and the pattern says increase every 4th row, but also, to keep working in pattern. It’s beyond me!

I’ve knitted the back and fronts but the sleeves are defeating me!

Thank you

Kim (UK)

That’s a darling little cardigan!

The pattern stitch is rows 1-8 so the increases will be on the next row, a row 1 and then row 5. That will continue with the increase rows always on pattern rows 1 and 5 which are all knit rows.

On the following rows, those increases will be incorporated into the pattern. The best way to work this is to look at the pattern in the previous rows and predict what stitch will continue the pattern (“reading your knitting”).
You can write each row out if you prefer. That will work too.

If you let us know which size you are making we can get you started on the increase pattern.

Thank you so much for helping me again salmonmac. I think that is a lovely cardigan, too. I am currently knitting the smallest size. My daughter had twin boys 8 weeks ago, so I will be knitting the bigger size too, once I’ve mastered reading the pattern. I would very much appreciate a helping hand with the increase pattern. Thank you again. I really appreciate it.

Congratulations twice over!
Work the increases at each end of row 1. Then row 2 becomes K5, (p2, k6) repeat to the last 7sts, p2,k5.
Again increase at each end of row 5. The row 6 becomes K3, (p2,k6) repeat to the last 5sts, p2, k3.

At each end you’ll be extending the (p2, k3) repeat. Keep looking at the pattern in the rows below to make sure the pattern is aligning. The knit sts seen from the RS are a good signpost to watch.

Thank you so much.

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See how it goes and let us know. Watching the pattern extend at each end will make sure you have the correct sts.
Have fun with it! There is so much to look forward to with these new grandsons.