I am struggling to work out how to cast off in pattern to shape the shoulders of a waistcoat I am knitting.
It is a 4-row pattern.
1st Row K1, *K1, (yfwd) twice, K2tog, rep from * to last 2 stitches, K2.
2nd Row P2, *P1, purl into first yfwd of previous row, drop second yfwd off needle, P1, rep from * to last 1 stitch, P1.
3rd and 4th rows are pretty much the same repeated.
To shape shoulders the pattern says to -
Cast off 11 sts in patt at beg of next 2 rows (89 sts)
Cast off 12 sts in patt at beg of next 4 rows (41 sts)
Cast off rem 41 sts in patt.
I had to end on a WS Row and my first cast off row is on the 1st Row of the pattern. I cannot get my head around how to cast off with there being yarn forwards in the pattern.
Can anyone help please?