How to cast off 'in pattern' James C Brett JB294

I am struggling to work out how to cast off in pattern to shape the shoulders of a waistcoat I am knitting.

It is a 4-row pattern.
1st Row K1, *K1, (yfwd) twice, K2tog, rep from * to last 2 stitches, K2.
2nd Row P2, *P1, purl into first yfwd of previous row, drop second yfwd off needle, P1, rep from * to last 1 stitch, P1.
3rd and 4th rows are pretty much the same repeated.

To shape shoulders the pattern says to -
Cast off 11 sts in patt at beg of next 2 rows (89 sts)
Cast off 12 sts in patt at beg of next 4 rows (41 sts)
Cast off rem 41 sts in patt.

I had to end on a WS Row and my first cast off row is on the 1st Row of the pattern. I cannot get my head around how to cast off with there being yarn forwards in the pattern.

Can anyone help please?

Welcome to the forum!

It looks like these shoulder cast offs are going to be part of a seam. In that case, to avoid holes from the yfwd yarn overs, I would cast off the entire RS row as all knit sts. Cast off the WS row in purl and then the final RS cast off of 42sts as knit sts.

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Thank you very much for your help :grinning:

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